Zettai Karen Children manga creator Takashi Shiina, who is drawing the upcoming manga adaptation of Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon (Han’yō no Yasha Hime), posted an illustration he drew of the protagonists of the following Rumiko Takahashi manga: Inuyasha, Ranma ½, Urusei Yatsura, RIN-NE, and Maison Ikkoku. He noted on Twitter last week that the Yashahime manga adaptation’s announcement has reached the attention of overseas fans as well, so he decided to post the image.
『夜叉姫』コミカライズ発表後、海外勢にも注目されてるみたいなので、これ上げておきます。 pic.twitter.com/NnIh3A4qT5
— 椎名高志@絶対可憐チルドレン最終巻(63巻)9/17解禁 (@Takashi_Shiina) August 23, 2021
In a followup tweet, he wrote that he generally likes to write comedy in a certain way, and posted several English-translated pages of a Zelda fan comic as an example of his style.
でも私は基本的にこういうコメディーを描くのが好きな人間なので、夜叉姫が気に入ってもらえる仕上がりなのかどうかは発表するまでわからない(笑)。 pic.twitter.com/sE2dexerBs
— 椎名高志@絶対可憐チルドレン最終巻(63巻)9/17解禁 (@Takashi_Shiina) August 23, 2021
He also wrote in English: “Like many of you, I am a big fan of Sensei Rumiko Takahashi and ‘Inuyasha‘. I’ll do my best to make sure that ‘Yashahime’ is a good one.”
The Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon manga will launch in the November issue of Shogakukan‘s Shōnen Sunday S magazine on September 25. Shiina drew the illustration below to celebrate the announcement, which brings together the sister protagonists of Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon and the protagonists of Shiina’s own Zettai Karen Children.
Shiina only recently ended the Zettai Karen Children manga on July 14 after a 16-year run. The sci-fi comedy series began in Shogakukan‘s Weekly Shonen Sunday magazine in 2005. The manga inspired a 52-episode television anime series in 2008, as well as a 2010 original video anime adaptation and a 2013 spin-off anime focusing on the series antagonist Kyōsuke Hyōbu.
Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon is an anime spinoff of Rumiko Takahashi‘s Inuyasha series. The first season premiered in Japan in October 2020. Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon – The Second Act (Hanyō no Yashahime: Ni no Shō), the second season, will premiere on Yomiuri TV and NTV on October 2. Viz Media confirmed that the anime will stream on Crunchyroll, Funimation, and Hulu.
[Via Otakomu]