
Zelda: Skyward Sword HD Players Report Language-Specific Glitch That Ruins The Final Boss


The Legend Of Zelda Skyward Sword HD

Hot on the heels of the frustrating soft-lock glitch that’s been meddling with some unfortunate The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD players’ game time, another glitch has now come to our attention that’s arguably even more irritating than the last.

Nintendo Life reader TheCursedFrog has got in touch to share their experience of the game’s final moments (if the headline didn’t make it obvious, expect spoilers from this point on). “I just defeated Demise (Fatalot in the Dutch version) in Skyward Sword HD,” they say, “but instead of a wonderful ending cinematic and the credits I was rewarded with a frozen white screen.”

A peculiar incident, for sure, but a quick look over on Reddit shows that they’re not the only one experiencing this particular problem. As uncovered by players discussing the issue in a thread, the common theme among those affected appears to be that they’re playing the game in Dutch – some go on to report that changing the language to English to take on the final fight avoids the problem.

As you’d expect, the glitch has left some players rather frustrated:

“Just “finished” the game on Switch and presented with the white screen. What an anti climax!”

“I closed the game, beat Demise again and the same happened again. It just hangs on a white screen and nothing happens.”

“Yea pff same here… epic boss fight and then a mega anticlimax with the white screen…”

If the language setting is indeed to blame, here’s hoping Nintendo can issue a true fix for the problem soon. In the meantime, if you’re playing the game in Dutch, be aware that the final boss might give you a headache or two until such a fix comes along.


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