Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Realm and its predecessor undoubtedly draw upon a certain Nintendo franchise for some inspiration, but it’s an IP that is increasingly establishing its own identity, lore and fanbase. Now developer Cornfox & Bros. has release a new ‘Arcadian Tarock’ update on Apple Arcade that adds a card game, which perhaps brings to mind the likes of Gwent.
Initially this update is only on Apple Arcade, but below are some details for reference:
Arcadian Tarock, a card game that has collectors all around Gaia buzzing, expands the game horizontally, adding tons of new challenges, areas, card-related quests, and characters to take on. You will have a chance to revisit known locations, discover new ones, and compete with challengers of various skill levels to complete your collection! In addition, some cards will unlock as the result of crucial moments in the story – the perfect opportunity to pick up your adventure once more! And if you’re doing that, don’t worry: whether you start a new game or continue from where you left off, the Tarock quest will lead you to new locations and exciting encounters all over the map.
This series has had a trend of making its debut with timed exclusivity on Apple Arcade, before coming to Switch a little later. With regards to this major update (officially version 3.0 of the game) publisher FDG Entertainment has told us the following:
We recently released an update to Oceanhorn 2 NSW which includes many tweaks, features and fixes and we also plan to continue supporting Oceanhorn 2 on Nintendo Switch.
However, I don’t have any information about the Arcadian Tarock Update for Switch yet. I can say, though, that with the exception of the extended card game, the Switch version now runs with all the latest gameplay tweaks including an improved combat that’s easier to handle.
As for the card game we don’t have anything to announce at this point.
Hopefully that ongoing support will bring the Arcadian Tarock content to Switch if the Apple Arcade exclusivity expires in the future. We’ll see in good time.