
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is over five years old now. It’s almost definitely one of the best games on the Switch, with people still uncovering secrets and challenging themselves to ridiculous speedrunning challenges. It’s a big, open, apocalyptic playground for you to do whatever you fancy in!
We were hoping we’d have a brand new Breath of the Wild game to explore this year, but as you’ll likely remember, the sequel was delayed to Spring 2023 just a few weeks ago. But in the UK, at least, it looks like a lot of people are more than happy to wait.
Gamesindustry.biz’s Chris Dring revealed that boxed retail sales for Breath of the Wild have increased by 51% in the UK. For a five-year-old, likely full-priced Nintendo first-party game, that’s ridiculous.
Maybe… maybe don’t cancel that sequel though, Nintendo?
Breath of the wild is the fourth-best selling Switch game at over 25 million copies sold. So the delay, while sad for fans, clearly isn’t going to hurt Nintendo’s bottom line too much. Except for that share slump, we suppose. Breath of the Wild 2 is just going to explode, isn’t it?
Are you still playing Breath of the Wild? Or have you recently picked it up for the first time? Why not let us know.