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Zack Snyder Urges Fans to Vote for Army of the Dead for an Oscar


Zack Snyder Urges Fans to Vote for Army of the Dead for an Oscar


Fans of Zack Snyder are feverishly advocating for Army of the Dead to be recognized at the 94th Academy Awards, and now the director himself has added his voice to the chorus.


It was previously revealed that the Oscars would allow people to vote for a unique award for a “Fan Favorite” film released in the previous year. Though Zack Snyder’s Justice League immediately rose to prominence, fans were disappointed to learn that the film was ineligible because it was a director’s cut of a previously released film. While “The Snyder Cut” was not nominated for an Oscar, another major release by the director qualified; last year’s action-packed zombie film Army of the Dead on Netflix was one of the streamer’s biggest releases of the year.



After seeing his fans lobbying for Army of the Dead to get the Fan Favorite award, Snyder jumped on Twitter to encourage fans to keep up the voting.



Of course fans banding together on social media can sometimes make things happen, coincidentally the “Snyder Cut” getting released. Fans campaigned for Warner Bros. to release the original, extended version of Justice League more in line with Snyder’s original vision, and ultimately, for better or worse, the company obliged the fans by putting Zack Snyder’s Justice League on HBO Max in 2021.

Will there be enough fans to vote for Army of the Dead to similarly get that movie enough votes to be named the Fan Favorite movie as the Oscars this year? I hope not. The movie sucked, but then again, so does the Oscars.

Karina Smitt

I’m not as much of a “CoMiCs NeEd MoAr DiVeRsItY & iNcLuSiOn” advocate as my girlfriend often is, but we both love funny books, crispy bacon, straight bourbon and hip hop. Add yet, we never vote the same, so we cancel each other out… and that works perfectly in my book!


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