This year’s 51st issue of Shueisha‘s Weekly Shonen Jump magazine revealed on Monday that Yūji Kaku‘s Hell’s Paradise: Jigokuraku manga is getting a stage play adaptation.
The franchise will have a stage presentation at the Jump Festa ’22 event on December 18-19 that will reveal more information about the stage play and the previously announced television anime adaptation.
The manga centers on Gabimaru, once exalted as the strongest ninja, but who has now quit his trade, violating the laws of his village. After being captured, he claims he has nothing left to live for. However, due to his superhuman levels of training, he has inadvertently survived multiple executions, from attempts at beheading to burning at the stake. The executioner Sagiri Asaemon tells him that he has lingering attachment to life, and issues him a mission to win his acquittal: to find the elixir of immortality.
Kaku launched the manga on Shueisha‘s Shonen Jump+ website and app in January 2018, and ended the series in January. The manga’s 13th and final volume shipped on April 30.
Viz Media released the manga digitally through its Shonen Jump service, and Shueisha also released the manga through its MANGA Plus service. Viz Media also releases the manga in print.
Ōhashi launched a spinoff manga titled Hell’s Paradise: Jigokuraku (spinoff has same title but has hiragana instead of kanji) on Shonen Jump+ in January 2020, and ended it in June 2020. Shueisha published the manga’s one compiled book volume in September 2020.
Kaku launched the Ayashimon manga in Weekly Shonen Jump on November 15. Viz Media and MANGA Plus are both publishing the manga in English.
Source: Weekly Shonen Jump issue 51