
It’s another nail in the coffin for the Wii U. Nintendo Everything reports that two video apps for the console — YouTube and Crunchyroll — will be ending support later this year.
Anime subscription platform Crunchyroll will be discontinued on the Wii U from 29th August — with emails being sent out about the end of the service last week. YouTube will last a little bit longer, with the app ending support in October, as mentioned in a statement on Google Support.
You might be thinking “who watches YouTube and Crunchyroll on the Wii U in 2022?”, but the Wii U app for Crunchyroll was known to be ad-free for a time.
Both YouTube and Crunchyroll are available on the Switch, at least! But the end for the Wii U is really coming up very quickly now, and announcements like this — while not surprising — are at least hammering that home. The Wii U and 3DS eShops will be closing on 28th March 2023, and you already can’t add funds to your account with a credit card. Time to start preparing that goodbye, then.
Did you use either of these apps on your Wii U? Or do you still use them today? Let us know!