Comics Reviews

X-Men’s SWORD Revealed the Secrets of the Lost Mutant Nation Arakko


Storm’s time on Arakko has revealed more about the ancient mutant nation really works, and about the laws that define the Great Ring.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for S.W.O.R.D. #8, on sale now from Marvel Comics.

Arakko is the ancient living island that has secretly been the long-lost half of Krakoa. Along with the early generations of mutants, Arakko was forced into the hellish realm of Amenth to deal with an invasion that otherwise threatened the then-developing Earth. Following the events of X of Swords, however, Arakko was brought back to the core-Marvel Universe. Although tensions flared while it was on Earth, an Omega-Level Mutant Technology was able to quickly terraform the planet Mars — transforming it into a new mutant homeworld and the self-titled capital of the Sol System.

On top of that, Storm of the X-Men was made the Regent of Arakko and placed within the Great Ring — the ruling body of Arakko. While some players on this council have briefly been introduced, more about the nation, its laws and its power players are on display in S.W.O.R.D. #8 by Al Ewing, Guiu Vilanova, Fernando Sifuentes and VC’s Ariana Maher.

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X-Men SWORD Great Ring Arakko 2

Ruling over Arakko is, like with Krakoa, a powerful council of powerhouse mutants. The Great Ring is the Arakko equivalent of the Quiet Council, a ruling body of mutants divided into different corners of influence. To take a place within the Great Ring, a mutant must typically defeat one of the current councils in the Circle Perilous, and in the process take their position. Like Krakoa, there are different branches of the council, each with its own specialized purpose and role. However, while Krakoa’s Quiet Council is divided by global priority and specific morality, the Great Ring is instead split into areas of influence.

The Three Seats of Dawn are dedicated to war-time concerns. Isca the Unbeaten fills the Seat of Victory, often considered the Head of the Great Ring. The precognitive Idyll sits in the Seat of Stalemate, which deals with conflicts that have no clear victory. In the rare times Arakko has faced defeat, the Seat of Loss is consulted — making it a fitting place for the cruel Tarn the Uncaring. The Three Seats of Day are deferred to in times of peace. Lactuca the Knower and Sobubar are considered the Seats of Above-Us and the Seat of Below-Us respectively, due to their abilities. The Seat of All-Around-Us represents the currents matters of Arakko, and is filled by Storm. The reason it is considered Regent is that the Seat of All-Around-Us carries two votes in decisions — making it the most powerful position on the council.

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X-Men SWORD Great Ring Arakko 1

The Three Seats of Dusk are vital in consulting roles, but due to their concerns being focused on more ethereal ideas, they are never considered the chief players on the Great Ring. Ora Serrata sits in the Seat of Law, while Xilo sits in the Seat of History. Finally, the ninth position on the council is the Seat of Dreams. It is primarily concerned with art, poetry and song. The unique creator Lodus Logos resides here, in a position that is considered unappealing by many of the ferocious mutants of Arakko — but one that is respected for the drive it fosters in candidates.

Like with the Quiet Council and Krakoa, Arakko itself is a voice within the Great Circle. Redroot is, like Cypher, meant to be a translater for the elemental mutant. But Redroot has been lost in Otherworld since the events of X of Swords — captured by the Crooked Man. Unlike the Quiet Council, these nine are considered the entire Great Ring instead of the twelve mutants who make up the Quiet Council. But apparently, there are always rumors of a final fourth branch of the Great Ring, which has yet to be revealed. As X-Men reveals more about the mutants of Arakko and their place in the world, it’s fascinating to learn more about the nation operates — especially in contrast to the more peaceful Krakoa.

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