The X-Men are one of Marvel’s most formidable teams. While most teams only battle supervillains, the X-Men also have to deal with the racism of protecting a world that hates and fears them. The team has been around since the dawn of the modern Marvel Universe, with the original team consisting of teenagers.
Because of the sliding time scale of the Marvel Universe, it’s had to know exactly how long the current continuity has lasted, but it’s probably around fifteen years. This allows fans to estimate the ages of the most important X-Men characters, giving them an idea of how long they’ve been around.
10 Magneto Is Somewhere In His Nineties
Magneto is the X-Men’s first villain and has long been one of the franchise’s most iconic characters. His age is easier to figure out than most because readers have a baseline for him from human history. Magneto was a teenager during the Holocaust, as he was a prisoner in Auschwitz. This means he was born sometime in the 1930s.
That puts Magneto’s age in the nineties. The only reason he isn’t a doddering old man is because of the various de-aging rays and clone bodies he’s inhabited. So, while he looks like he’s in his thirties, his actual age is closer to one hundred.
9 Iceman Was The Youngest Of The First Class Of X-Men
Iceman has probably had the biggest evolution of any of the original five X-Men. He started out as little more than a walking snowman and is now one of the most powerful beings on the planet. He was the youngest member of the original X-Men, so he was probably thirteen or fourteen. Figuring that it’s been fifteen years since the team first came together makes Iceman close to thirty.
His tremendous growth over the years makes a lot of sense when one looks at it like that. He spent his teenage years fighting evil, and after turning twenty, his power growth mirrored his growth as a person.
8 Nightcrawler Was Older Than Most When He Joined The Team
The All-New, All-Different era of the X-Men changed the way Professor X recruited X-Men. Instead of bringing teens onto the team, he targeted young adults. One of the older mutants of this second class of X-Men was Nightcrawler. He had been with the circus for a bit and was in his early twenties when he joined the team.
Figure that it’s been about ten years in Marvel time since Nightcrawler’s team first began, and that puts Nightcrawler in his early thirties. That makes him about as old as some of the original team members but still not the oldest member of the All-New, All-Different team.
7 Colossus Is In His Late Twenties
The Rasputin family is full of powerful mutants. Colossus is the family’s middle child, with his older brother Mikhail already a cosmonaut and younger sister Illyana still prepubescent when Piotr first appeared. He was recruited for the X-Men at around seventeen or eighteen, spending his young adult years with the team. Using the metric of ten years since his team of X-Men came together, this puts Colossus at close to thirty.
Many readers hope that Colossus was actually younger because of his relationship with a very young Kate Pryde. However, he was almost an adult when he joined the team, and he was significantly older than her.
6 Kate Pryde Joined The Team At Thirteen
Kate Pryde and Iceman joined the team at around the same age. Figuring that the All-New, All-Different team was ten Marvel years ago, Kate’s first appearance was about a year after that team came together. Figuring that she was about thirteen or fourteen at the oldest when her powers had just manifested, Kate is now in her early twenties.
Specifically, Kate is either twenty-two or twenty-three. She’s grown immensely as a person, becoming one of the team’s most formidable members. Unfortunately, her relatively young age makes her relationship with Colossus rather creepy.
5 Storm’s Always Been More Mature Than Her Age
Storm is one of the most powerful mutants on the planet. Before joining the X-Men, she spent her formative years as a pickpocket in Cairo after her parents’ death. Once her powers manifested, she made her way onto the African plains and was worshiped as a goddess. She spent years out there, and she was probably between twenty and twenty-two when she joined the group.
Storm’s time as a goddess made her a more responsible person than other members of the X-Men. She was leading the team within a couple of years of joining and taking the ten years since the All-New, All-Different team’s debut, Storm is between thirty and thirty-two.
4 Jean Grey Is Among The Oldest Of The X-Men’s First Class
Jean Grey is one of the X-Men’s most important members and has been Professor X’s student longer than anyone else. She gained her powers earlier than other mutants because she witnessed the traumatic death of her friend Anna. She joined the Professor when she was eleven but the first class of X-Men didn’t come together until she was fifteen or sixteen.
This puts Jean at around thirty or thirty-one. She may actually appear younger since she did spend several long stints either dead or in stasis. She’s been through a lot for someone her age, though, which makes her seem much older and wiser.
3 Wolverine Is Around Two Centuries Old
Wolverine is the best there is at what he does, and what he does is live for a long time. For most of his existence, fans had no idea how old Wolverine was. Still, they knew he was at least old enough to have been an adult during World War II, with the earliest time he was portrayed being Canadian frontier times. It’s been established that his healing factor slowed down his aging to a veritable crawl.
Origin would eventually give readers an even better timeframe for his age. Wolverine was born as James Howlett in Canada at some point in the 1800s. Depending on when, this could make him as young as a hundred fifty or as old as two hundred, possibly slightly older.
2 Cyclops Has Shouldered Massive Responsibility Since An Early Age
Cyclops is one of the best team leaders in the Marvel Universe, if not the best. This is made all the more impressive when one realizes just how young he is. Cyclops was around fifteen or sixteen when he and the X-Men had their first mission. Taking into account the fifteen-year Marvel timeframe, Cyclops is around thirty or thirty-one.
In those fifteen years, Cyclops has been married twice, sent to the future to raise his son Nathan, watched several women he loved die, was headmaster of the Xavier Institute, and led the mutant race, all while saving the world multiple times. That’s an impressive résumé.
1 Professor X Is About The Same Age As Magneto
Professor X brought the X-Men together after years of trying to figure out how to protect mutantkind. Over the years, this mandate has taken him to some rather dark places, but he’ll make any sacrifice and commit any act to protect his people. He was already at a rather advanced age when he founded the team, as he and Magneto are around the same age.
This puts Xavier at close to a hundred years old. Much like Magneto, he has benefited from de-aging and clone bodies. Xavier has appeared much younger than he really is for a long time.
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