Comics Reviews

X-Factor Cracks the Case of a Young Avenger’s Mysterious Death


X-Factor just uncovered the truth about a lingering mystery regarding one of their members — and how they disappeared months ago.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for X-Factor #10 by Leah Williams, David Baldeon, David Messina, Lucas Weneck, Israel Silva & VC’s Joe Caramagna, on sale now

The current iteration of X-Factor has been hyper-focused on investigating the mysteries surrounding plenty of deceased mutants — including the ones lost across Mojo-World in hopes of reviving them with the help of the Five. However, there’s been one lingering mystery at the heart of the series that cut a little closer to home — considering it entails the mysterious murder of one member of X-Factor. Prodigy just learned the truth of what happened to him — and it’s a genuinely tragic little story that couldn’t have been solved by any other member of the Krakoan mutant forces.

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One of the lingering mysteries at the heart of X-Factor has been the question of what exactly happened to Prodigy. The former New Mutant and Young Avenger have been trying to uncover what exactly happened to him months ago when he disappeared. In X-Factor #7, Prodigy learned from his boyfriend Speed that despite his belief that he’d been killed during a deadly attack by O.N.E. on the Xavier Institute, he’d actually been seen — alive and well — by Speed shortly after the attack took place. Although his death hadn’t been confirmed, Prodigy was listed as one of the many dead mutants following the O.N.E. attack and was among the first host of mutants revived by the Five. This has raised the possibility that there might secretly be a second Prodigy out there in the world.

Upon the X-Factor arriving at the Hellfire Gala, Prodigy excused himself — revealing the gown he’d chosen for the event had actually been a distinct piece he’d worn almost a year previously to a bar in Los Angeles known as Club Pepper. Arriving there, they give Prodigy a phone he’d left for himself — which includes video left by himself months previously. The former Prodigy had timed his investigation into a series of deaths of young queen black men in Los Angeles so that if he was revived, the memories of his investigation wouldn’t be added to Cerebro. Although he hadn’t planned on dying, he was prepared for the investigation to go that way — and for his revived self to finish the investigation after him, explaining all the evidence waiting for Prodigy.

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In the present day, Prodigy hunts down these clues, leading him to Hollywood producer Buck Thatcher. Most of the rest of X-Factor promptly arrives to assist him, with Eye-Boy even revealing a powerful new technique to injure the producer. It’s a minor revelation to what had potentially been a devastating mystery, revealing a minor mystery instead of setting up a potentially calamitous series of events on Krakoa. But it can’t be understated how important it is that X-Factor figured out this mystery. The entire inception behind this incarnation of the team was to investigate the deaths of mutants and to figure out what happened to them. In solving the mystery of one of their own, they also found a way to potentially bring justice for the other young men who died before Prodigy.

It gives Prodigy  — and an unknown number of other murdered young men — closure that they may have not gotten otherwise. It allows Prodigy to make peace with what happened to him, and even ends with him spending time with Speed. Considering this is the final issue of X-Factor before most of the team is repositioned to assist in the upcoming Trial of Magneto, it’s fitting that their last case in their own title solves a lingering mystery surrounding one of their own.

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