Described as a neo-pulp, supernatural, action-adventure thriller, Dead for Hire tells the story of Ike Taylor, a onetime prize fighter, U.S. Marine and L.A. Cop, now turned private investigator, finds his murder in a Chinatown warehouse while investigating a murder. Normally that would be the end of the story, but Ike’s ghost haunts the warehouse for over sixty years until it’s demolished and his ghost is set free to roam modern day Los Angeles.
With his new found freedom, Ike begins wandering modern L.A. trying to figure out what and why he was still trapped in the land of the living. Was he still here so he could solve his own murder? Or was he here to try and make amends with his onetime love, Maggie Cruz, and let her know how much she meant to him, or was he just here to pay back the bad Karma that he racked up while he was alive?
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by dough boy May 1, ’14