Comics Reviews

Why the Weirdest TMNT Villains Are More Dangerous Than Ever


Two of the most powerful forces in TMNT history may go to war, and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles may get stuck in the middle.

WARNING: The following contains major spoilers for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #125, available now from IDW.

As fantastical as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles might be, they are far from the strangest beings to inhabit their corner of pop culture. In fact, it is the Turtles’ various villains who have long stood out as even more remarkable. This has certainly been the case of the interdimensional Utroms and Triceratons, and the newfound tensions between them may very well be leading to all-out war.

While Mutant Town is dealing with unprecedented developments within its community, those living on the not so faraway Burnow Island are in a similarly new yet far more disturbing situation of their own. The Utroms and the genetically-engineered Triceratons, who have lived together on the island, are both suffering from the unusual circumstances surrounding their existences. The Utroms’ lack of hosts for newborns to be incubated in has left them floundering, and the fact that the fallen Triceraton warriors awaiting cremation have been made off-limits for those purposes isn’t helping. In the case of the Triceratons, who have only ever reproduced via cloning, the first pregnancy of their kind could change their entire way of life.

Unfortunately, that possibility is one that could upend everything the Utroms have ever worked for, and their leader Colonel Ch’rell is not willing to let that happen without a fight.

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Utroms such as Krang have been a part of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ world from almost the very beginning. While Krang’s own attempts to take over the Earth have only left his fellow Utroms stranded, that same Utrom Empire was once a truly formidable force. When the Utrom Empire was in need of soldiers, it genetically modified triceratopses stolen from the prehistoric Earth into its Triceraton soldiers.

For thousands of years, these Triceratons were little more than expendable slaves of war in the eyes of their creators. At least, that was the case until the Triceraton leaders Zog and Zom led the rebellion that would free their kind from servitude. Now that the two races have found a tenuous yet tenable means of coexisting on Burnow Island, they have also found ways to work together to move past their historical traumas. Of course, all of that good will may be dashed in an instant should they go back to war with one another, something which is only looking more and more likely.

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Ch’rell’s paranoia that Zom’s pregnancy will lead to the Triceratons outnumbering his own kind is alarming on its own, especially once he espouses his ultimately xenophobic fears of another uprising. Considering the fact that Ch’rell openly disregards any amount of tact when it comes to the deceased Triceratons as it is, there is no doubt that he is already thinking of a way to turn the first Triceraton birth in millennia against them. Or, at the very least, into something profitable for his own kind. Should Ch’rell actually follow through with any ill-conceived plans surrounding the infant Triceraton, there would be no less than lethal consequences to pay for it. Not only that, but it would be the perfect way to spark yet another war, and this time it might not be one that the Turtles can quell.

The Utroms and Triceratons are already some of the most well known and powerful forces in the entire TMNT universe. Even compared to living deities such as the Rat King, these two races have done just as much damage as any other friend or foe of the Turtles. That the Splinter Clan are so inextricably tied to them both would surely see them dragged into any conflict between the two sides, and even though they have defeated both in the past, the stakes were never so high as they are now. Whatever the fallout of this all might end up being, here’s hoping it isn’t more than the Heroes in a Half Shell can handle.

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