While Thanos used the Infinity Stones to reshape the universe in Infinity War, another MCU character also wielded the Infinity Gauntlet in comics.
When Thanos the Mad Titan wielded the all-powerful Infinity Gauntlet, his absolute omnipotence famously resulted in the erasure of half of all sentient life in the universe. Planets were destroyed, the celestial abstracts subdued and even Eternity itself was subjugated. But for a brief moment in time, Thanos lost control of the Infinity Gauntlet and Nebula, Thanos’ granddaughter in Marvel’s comic book continuity, wielded the cosmic artifact after him.
While she didn’t have it for long, Nebula had the potential to be an even more cataclysmic force than Thanos was. After Thanos had gathered the Infinity Gems in Infinity Gauntlet by Jim Starlin, George Perez and Ron Lim, Nebula, then a shambling revenant, was successful in ripping the Infinity Gantlet off of Thanos’s hand. In that instant, Nebula simultaneously stripped Thanos of all of his power and became the very same embodiment of pure omnipotence.
Nebula’s reign as a supreme cosmic entity did not last long. In a grievous error of judgment, Nebula decided to erase Thanos’s achievements with the Infinity Gauntlet by using it to revert the universe back to its state 24 hours prior. Nebula brought all of the felled heroes back, along with all of the cosmic abstracts; Nebula was successful in defeating them all, but not before Adam Warlock was able to erupt from the Soul Gem. In the ensuing confusion, Warlock gained possession of the Infinity Gauntlet and set the universe back to its original state.
But what would have happened if Nebula had retained control of the Gauntlet? Thanos was dangerous, but his desire was honed to a razor’s edge. For all of the destruction he caused, Thanos still had a singular goal: win Mistress Death’s love and rule over all reality. Nebula, on the other hand, did not have any plan or goal when she stole the Infinity Gauntlet from Thanos. Her mind was not as sharp and focused as Thanos’s was as she had spent a horrific amount of time as an undead ghoul at the hands of her grandfather.
A vision of what the universe would become at the hands of Thanos was shown in Silver Surfer #55 and #56 by Ron Marz, Ron Lim, and Gavin Curtis. The Mad Titan created a planet known as Necronos to act as the center of his universe, a capital monument to his reverence of Death. However, there is a worse possible scenario at Nebula’s hands: utter eradication of all reality. Life still existed in the utopia of the Mad Titan, as dismal as it was. Nebula, however, could have destroyed the very fabric of reality itself with a rogue thought. The same madness that overtook Thanos began to infect Nebula as well so it is possible that she may have created an equally monstrous universe.
Nebula in the MCU was characterized primarily by her desire to prove herself better than her sister, Gamora. As the films progressed, Nebula learned to let go of her blind hatred of her sister and integrate herself into the company of the various heroes she met. Nebula in the comics had a very different background and thus did not have that capability for growth during Infinity Gauntlet. Her desire was for revenge against Thanos and to claim total power for herself. With her inexperienced and fractured mind, though, Nebula could have become a raging force of violent chaos.
It’s difficult to say what exactly Nebula would have created had she maintained ownership of the Infinity Gauntlet. She may have restored balance to reality; she may have created a perfect existence, a veritable cosmic Eden; or she may have ushered in an age of chaos worse than what Thanos created. Ultimately, the risk was too great a chance to take, and it was the right move on Adam Warlock’s part to prevent Nebula from coming to such a decision with her godhood.
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