Superman’s new sister, Zala Jor-El, is setting herself up as the deadliest villain in DC’s history.
WARNING: The following article contains spoilers from Dark Knights of Steel #3, on sale now.
When she was first introduced, fans were expecting Superman’s new sister, Zala Jor-El, to become the new Supergirl. These hopes were shattered when Zala almost gleefully murdered King Jefferson Pierce’s son in retaliation for the murder of her father. This might have been the end of the conflict, but in Dark Knights of Steel #3 (by Tom Taylor, Yasmine Putri, Arif Prianto, Wes Abbott), Zala continued her rampage by killing the Metal Men, knights belonging to an entirely different kingdom, who had done her no wrong. This behavior in the process revealed that, unlike her brother, Zala may not have the best of intentions for humanity.
When the Metal Men first encountered her, they were surprised by her presence in Magnus Lands. Zala however, quickly corrected them, stating that there wouldn’t be Magnus Lands for much longer. She then proceeded to butcher them without warning. She wouldn’t show up again until she attacked King Jefferson as he was sailing home. She killed him by stabbing him from behind while stating that there would be no more kings. This coupled with her attitude towards human beings as well as the Kingdom of Storms prophecy, hint that Zala might be harboring supremacist ideologies.
The murder of Prince Jacob was one thing, as it might have been seen as retribution for her father. What she does after goes beyond a simple eye for an eye exchange. The Metal Men did nothing to her or her kingdom that readers know of. The worst they could be accused of was assuming she was a peasant. The statements that she intended to conquer Magnus Lands, as well as to depose other kings suggest that Zala may believe her power as a Kryptonian gives her an inherent right to rule all those weaker than her.
If true, then this means that Zala might be the main villain of the story. In fact, it is entirely possible that the prophecy that the Kingdom of Storms so fears might have been about her all along. Their murder of Jor-El was all the provocation she needed to give in to her worst impulses. Of course, there exists an even more sinister possibility. Zala may have always believed in her supremacy. The only thing holding her back may very well have been Jor-El. Now that he’s gone there was nothing that really could stop her, save her other family members, who may be more inclined to agree with her now that Jor-El was murdered by a human.
It can even be seen in her choice of lover. Diana isn’t human, she’s an Amazon and probably a demigod in this world same as in the mainstream DC Universe. By being in a relationship with her, Zala might be choosing someone she deemed to be on her level. The time she spent on Themyscira might have been Jor-El’s way of trying to help her see a more positive version of the world. Unfortunately, the floodgates have been opened and Zala seems to be gleefully wading in the blood of others as she strikes down those who get in her way. Zala is poised to become this Earth’s greatest villain, a conqueror with godlike abilities who has disdain for the people she would rule. The only people capable of stopping her are her own blood, and they might not even want to.
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