During his brief stints as the Phoenix, Cyclops proved himself a FAR more dangerous threat than Jean Grey ever was.
In the history of the Marvel Universe, the Phoenix Force is arguably one of the single most destructive forces in existence. It’s capable of destroying entire stars for sustenance and could have wiped out the entire universe if fully unleashed.
While anyone getting the full scope of that cosmic power is worrisome, there’s one X-Man who proved to be truly terrifying in that role and it wasn’t the original Dark Phoenix. Jean Grey remains the most famous host of the Phoenix Force, but she wasn’t the deadliest, as Cyclops’ brief stint as the Phoenix made him temporarily one of Marvel’s single most dangerous mutants.
Cyclops was exposed to the Phoenix Force twice in short succession, both times resulting in massive battles. During the Avengers vs. X-Men crossover, Cyclops was among the five mutants exposed to the splintered cosmic force, becoming the unofficial leader of the Phoenix Five. He initially seemed to have the cosmic force under some semblance of control, but it became quickly apparent that the power was corrupting all five of them. Eventually, Cyclops was the final one left standing, consumed with rage over a fateful confrontation with Charles Xavier. The battle left Professor X dead and Scott transformed into the Dark Phoenix. This corrupted Scott could have wiped out the world if it weren’t for the Scarlet Witch and Hope using their powers in sync to disrupt his connection to the Phoenix Force.
However, Scott later re-embraced the Phoenix Force during the Incursions Saga. Cyclops discovered the Phoenix Egg and rebonded to the cosmic being, becoming one of the handfuls of survivors of the Marvel Multiverse at the on-set of Secret Wars by Jonathan Hickman and Esad Ribić. He was even able to stand up to the Beyonder-empowered Doctor Doom who ruled over the remnants of the multiverse, albeit not for long, as he ultimately died at Doom’s hands while Doctor Strange teleported the other survivors across Battle-World.
Cyclops quickly proved just how dangerous a Dark Phoenix could be to the world, coming close to decimating the other heroes with just basic shows of power. Without the telepathy that allowed Jean Grey and Rachel Summers to try and control themselves when they were bonded to the Phoenix Force, Cyclops was quickly lost to the sheer scope of his newfound power. It made him a useful ally during the events of Secret Wars (at least until his inglorious death), but it also presented the chance that he could have become an even more dangerous figure if he’d been able to defeat Doom and try to remake the multiverse in his own image.
What makes this especially dark is that almost no one has a more tragic experience with the Phoenix Force than Cyclops. Due to the cosmic entity’s impersonation of Jean Grey when they first connected, Cyclops was forced to watch as the love of his life seemingly went off the deep end, destroyed entire worlds, and ultimately killed herself to spare the universe the rest of her fury. If anyone should have been able to comprehend the sheer scope of the Phoenix’s destructive force, it should have been him. But instead, Cyclops embracing that power transformed him into one of Marvel’s most dangerous mutants.
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