The latest arc of Demon Slayer has introduced some great new characters and villains, but the newest episodes proves that keeping Nezuko in the box is a missed opportunity.
This series is streaming on Funimation and Crunchyroll
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the participants in this chatlog are not the views of Anime News Network.
Spoiler Warning for discussion of the series ahead.
Alright Nicky, we’ve put it off long enough. It’s time to talk about the biggest, hottest, most anticipated media released last year:
Tengen Uzui’s mixtape

I know that’s a joke but honestly?! Yeah, I’d listen to it…

…after roughly 30 minutes of everyone crying over Rengoku again.

I hadn’t watched any Demon Slayer since the movie hit theaters so it was a big wallop for me, but its real function is to tie up that thread while also giving Tanjiro a lead on his family’s history.

There’s having a chip on your shoulder and then there’s getting into a fist fight with a minor’s forehead in front of your own son.

Sorry bros but he’s right: you’re all Basic.

This Powerpuff Girls Z sequel sucks.

Aw crabapples.
It’s actually more of a creeping horror rather than an undercover thing which is very different to the action-y part of Demon Slayer. There’s some good build up. Any normal person would assume that all of Tengen’s wives are dead and give up, but the fact that we don’t know the whole story or how it happened is somehow scarier.

I enjoy the creepily buff mice, they are at least very useful.
I hate them. I need a super jacked cat to devour them and remove these creatures from my sight.

Wonderful feral hog child becomes liquid.

Anyway, everyone else is down in the Wife Pit which unfortunately leaves Tanjiro alone to fight Daki on his own. Doesn’t go too well for him.
We also really haven’t talked too much about the demon in this season of Demon Slayer other than the rumors about her backstory. So let’s get into that.

Or not. I guess. Sigh.

Behold! Punished Cinnamon Roll.
I just…do not get what this show is doing with Nezuko. Like, remember that whole thing with Akaza where he tried to get Rengoku to demonify himself so he could pursue infinite strength? The first thing that popped into my head when he said that was: what if they trained Nezuko in concentrated breathing? Combine the skill of a demon slayer with the innate power of a demon! But nope, stay in that box for a couple more episodes, sis.
Like even in the “DISGUISE OURSELVES AS GIRLS” arc the actual girl on the team doesn’t get to come out and interact at all.

Put her up there with Hagakure from MHA as a stealth nudist in a kids cartoon.

And then there’s this great moment.

Despite this, I actually super love Tengen’s wives and how much he loves them and it seems like they get along with each other.

but also, LOVE!

The ladies are no slouches either. Hinatsuru fed herself poison for weeks on end to keep her cover from Daki. God damn.
And they seem good in a pinch. Again, the biggest problem is that we don’t get enough time with them. Demon Slayer overall is an extremely economical shōnen series, and most of the extra time seems to be just stretching out those big battle moments. It’s pretty cool, so I can’t really complain.

I also think the stakes of this arc dissipated once Tengen’s wives are okay. This was a problem when I read the manga too, and I think it’s probs my least favorite out of all of them overall. But I was still surprised how engaged I was by what is a really well-produced popcorn series.


She does. But so does every woman this season. Support the girls and they’ll support you! (by not giving you terrible back pain).

Unfortunately, the episode ends rather quickly after that. So as much as we’d love to show more Nezuko destroying things, we can’t!

Demon Slayer‘s probably never going to be a favorite of mine, but when it’s in gear it can be a blast, and considering it’s a license to print yen I’m glad it can do that. Now please, give me a Nezuko fight.
I have some parts of Demon Slayer that I absolutely LOVE and destroy me and this arc just isn’t one of them. But I enjoy it all the same, and I’m not gonna curse getting more.
