Why are These Haters So Easily Triggered by Chris Pratt’s Voice?
Just as man-babies around the Twitterverse were getting their eyes dried over news that Chris Pratt is voicing Mario, the tears have begun to flow anew over a report that Chris Pratt is voicing Garfield. The Hollywood Reporter broke this news that Chris would lend his voice to the “lasagna-loving, Monday-hating comic strip feline” in a new animated film. The iconic feline has previously been voiced by Bill Murray, in both 2004’s Garfield and 2006’s Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties.
Lots of hurt fee-fees out there.
Who listens to Chris Pratt and thinks, at any point in his range, “yeah, he sounds like Garfield”?
— Cruel Angel’s Hypothesis (@IgneousSigil) November 1, 2021
is Chris Pratt intent on ruining ALL of our childhood memories or https://t.co/45UPLwG8nT
— kait kucy (@kaitkucy) November 1, 2021
Why is Chris Pratt being casted for literally ANYYTHING right now??? 😒
— BI WEIRDO (@BiFurryL0v3r) November 1, 2021
we need to launch a full federal investigation into what kind of dirt chris pratt has on hollywood executives https://t.co/c5sCBxcllx
— bethany (@fiImgal) November 1, 2021
Setting aside the homophobia, this is what I dread.
I like Jack Black’s VA roles, but whenever I hear him in something (apart from Psychonauts 2), he’s just Jack Black. I see Pratt going the same way.
I wanna be wrong, and that he at least turns in a decent performance.
— 🏳️🌈 Curt Clark 🏳️🌈 is fully vaccinated! (@Ingonyama70) November 1, 2021
Don’t remember this much hate over that last crappy cat movie… Cats. Chris also released a video on Instagram assuring everyone that he is working on Mario’s voice.
Why do they hate Chris Pratt so much? Surely not because he is a conservative Christian, but with so many moments where his politics, or lack thereof, or his involvement in a Christian church has gotten him in hot water. He was even accused in 2019 of being “anti-gay” by Ellen Page, to whom Pratt responded by saying that his church “opens its doors to absolutely everyone”.
Chalk it up to “haters gonna hate,” I guess. At least Robert Downey Jr. has his back.