Whole Bloody Mess: FantaCo to Publish Eerie Publications Complete Covers
On the 60s and 70s newsstands, the notorious Eerie Publications magazine covers shocked petrified comic readers everywhere with garish sideshow covers depicting torture, and gore.
These shocking covers burned themselves into the brain of everyone who saw them.
Now for the first time, collecting every known cover from this putrid publisher presented chronologically, fully annotated and in full ‘Picto-Color’. The good, the bad, and the ugly – the Whole Bloody Mess in one book available in March 2022.
Collected by Eerie Publications collector/historian/author Mike Howlett. Howlett is also the author of The Weird World of Eerie Publications: Comic Gore That Warped Millions of Young Minds, The Worst of Eerie Publications (Chilling Archives of Horror Comics!) and The Weird Indexes of Eerie Publications.
The book will be 240 pages (softcover $39.95, smyth sewn hardcover $59.99), and is scheduled for release March 2021. FantaCo is now accepting preorders serialized and numbered with an exclusive set of ten Eerie Publications trading cards for a limited time at www.fantaco.net