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Which Pokémon Would Be the Best Pets in Real Life?


If trained properly, these Pokémon could make great companions to have around the home in real life. Wouldn’t we all want a real life Pokémon pal?

For many Pokémon fans, it has been a life-long dream to raise their very own Pokémon, but some Pokémon are more suited for a domestic lifestyle than others. As cool as it would be to own a Gyarados, it might frighten the neighbors at the least. A Charizard might burn down the house if left unattended. With that in mind, there are still some that would make perfect pets. Based on practicality and believability, here are some appropriate choices for Pokémon that would make a perfect addition to any home.



Eevee is a small, mammalian creature with bushy, brown fur. Its muzzle is very cat-like, with a small, black and triangular nose, while its ears resemble that of rabbits. Its unusual genetic makeup makes Eevee a mixture of fox, cat, and rabbit. An Eevee can be shy, rough or gentle, and cute. Their personality is entirely random and dependent on each individual Eevee.

The fox-like species can canonically be found everywhere, as they can evolve to adapt to their surroundings, which makes them as common as cats and dogs. Eevee is also a normal-type Pokémon, which perhaps share the most mannerisms with real animals.

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Squirtle is one of three starter Pokémon bestowed upon young trainers in Generation I, which proves that Squirtles are obviously trusted around children. Squirtle are turtle Pokémon with large eyes and chubby cheeks, capable of moving either on two feet or on all fours. Their skin is a light blue, and they possess a long, curled tail.

As with many Pokémon, Squirtles are inspired by real-world creatures and as such, elements of their behavior, habitat, and etymology are borrowed from their non-fictional counterparts. Squirtles will attack if threatened, but so does any other animal. They are no more dangerous than the local dog.

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Chatot is an avian Pokémon similar to a parakeet. Its head is black and resembles an eighth-note, while its black tail resembles a metronome. Its plumage is brightly colored with blue wings, a yellow chest and feet, a green stomach, and a pink, hooked beak and eyelids.

This Pokémon’s tongue is similar to a human’s, allowing it to imitate human speech. Disregarding Meowth, who can literally speak to humans, Chatot is the closest that humans and Pokémon may ever get to a coherent conversation. There would be nothing better than having the ability to talking to your pet — and have it talk back.

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Rockruff is a quadrupedal, canine Pokémon. It is primarily light brown with a darker brown muzzle, paws, and ear tips. It has large blue eyes, button ears, a short muzzle with a triangular pink nose, and a short tuft of fur on each cheek. They are perhaps the closest Pokémon equivalent to a real-life puppy.

It is common knowledge that Rockruff has lived with humans since ancient times, which attests to its compatibility with humans and likeliness to make a favorable companion. This Pokémon is very sociable and will greet others by rubbing them with the rocks around its neck; Rockruff is often recommended as a good beginner Pokémon due to its friendly nature and it can bond with trainers — or simply humans — easily.

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Meowth is a small, feline Pokémon that resembles a housecat. It has the ability to walk on its hind legs and its ovoid head features four prominent whiskers, wide eyes with slit pupils and two pointed teeth in the upper jaw. Meowth’s feline traits extend much further than physical appearance, including the fear of water and love of yarn.

Intentional or not, Meowth’s coloration, its love of coins, and its forehead charm indicate that Meowth is based on the Japanese Maneki Neko — a cat-shaped figurine that is said to bring good luck and money to its owner. Additionally, Meowth possesses the capacity for human-like intelligence, therefore can establish a deeper connection with humans than most other Pokémon.

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