Comics News

What’s Behind Big Tech’s Desire to Censor Online Manga?



It all began with this statement made by Kadokawa Future Publishing:



The video game designer Mark Kern followed up:



They shouldn’t even work with US publishers, or TV producers, and I’m honestly disappointed in the authors of Cowboy Bebop for selling the adaptation rights to Netflix so they could make a live action series that’s just as obsessed with diversity pandering as anything else on the terrible channel, yet at the same time gets rid of Faye Valentine’s shorts because they’re supposedly inappropriate, and if any jarring violence by contrast is allowed, that’ll merely expose their hypocrisy.




Well see, this is why I can’t understand for the life of me why anybody would almost automatically want to create an account on Twitter, of all places, instead of a wider variety of choices for social media servers. What’s so great about Twitter and Facebook that’s not so great about MeWe, to name one example? Those who’ll solely turn to the most obvious choices aren’t proving they have what it takes to look far and wide to see what’s available, and judge by quality of management.



That’s not good either if search engine results are restricted, and buying choices limited. But then, isn’t that why there should be a wider variety of engines, and even online stores? If anybody worried about censorship, in the USA and abroad, wanted to, I’m sure they could’ve developed a wider variety of alternatives long ago. So if Japanese mangakas and animation producers are really concerned, that’s why they’ll think of how build alternatives.


What’s in discussion above is something that was bound to happen, because too many in the west weren’t realist enough to get into the businesses and develop competition in various ways. It reminds of rivalries in the US medium in the past, that ruined a lot of good publishers, and now, we could end up seeing an extension of the damage abroad as well. That’s why all concerned should take these problems and possibilities seriously from the start if they want to ensure business will work well.


Update: it looks like Kadokawa’s apologized for the uproar they caused. And as far as social media’s concerned, one could argue this is a case where a company apologizes for the right reasons. If so, thank goodness.




Originally published here.


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