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What We Want From the Next Sourcebook


Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons will explore the game’s titular creatures, but there are plenty of directions Wizards could take the new supplement in.

The next Dungeons & Dragons sourcebook will be Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons, and rather than exploring a setting like Van Ritchten’s Guide to Ravenloft or the upcoming Magic: The Gathering crossover Strixhaven School of Mages, it will focus on the game’s titular fire-breathing colossi. Fizban’s will include a broad swath of statblocks, lore and character options, all guided by Fizban, a characters from the Dragonlance setting of Krynn and avatar of the dragon god Paladine. Similar to the platinum dragon god Bahamut, Paladine is a force for good and representative for all of dragonkind.

While some of this book’s content, like new subclasses and revamped racial options, have already been teased through Unearth Arcana, Fizban’s is sure to include more than just character creator options. Here’s what we would like to see in Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons.

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Gem Dragons

A bright white dragon surrounded by floating diamonds

Gem Dragonborn and Gem Dragons have already been announced for Fizban’s, but it’s currently unclear what exact form they’ll take. There are five different types of Gem dragons: Sapphire, Emerald, Crystal, Amethyst and Topaz. Amethyst and Topaz are interesting variants, but Wizards will have to work to distinguish Sapphire, Emerald and Crystal from existing Blue, Green and White dragons.

Fizban’s should also distinguish Gem Dragons from their Chromatic and Metallic counterparts, which can often blur together, distinguished only by alignment and by breath weapon. A good method for doing so would be to focus on the psionic powers of Gem Dragons, since psionics is an under-explored area in Fifth Edition.

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Draconic Variants

Ebondeath, a skeletal black dragon pulsing with purple energy.

Wizards of the Coast has boasted that Fizban’s Treasury will contain details on 20 different kinds of dragons. Fifteen of those correspond to the different varieties of Chromatic, Metallic and Gem dragons, leaving five other slots for more unconventional inclusions. They’ve also confirmed Dragon Turtles, which are the most common aquatic variant.

The last four should be wild, weird and out-of-the-box, either updating creatures from previous versions or creating never-before-seen monstrosities. It’s also important those new Dragons feel distinct. The dracolich presented in the Monster Manual is a cool idea, but is basically just an Adult Red Dragon with some extra condition immunities. Good candidates for weird dragons include the Dracolisk (a cross between a dragon and a basilisk) or any sort of cross-hybrid between dragons and other iconic D&D creatures, like mindflayers or beholders.

Dragon Worship

A red and gold dragon coiling about as they face each other.

While some details are available on the draconic deities Bahamut and Tiamat (as provided in the Deities section of the Dungeon Master’s Guide), in-depth lore on the relationship between dragons and their gods would serve as an invaluable supplement to Dungeon Masters trying to make dragons the focal point of their campaign.

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This should also include how Dragonborn fit into the larger draconic faith, along with details on their creation. Another important piece of lore would be a deity for the Gem dragons to serve as a counterbalance to Tiamat and Bahamut. In older editions, this would have been the Ruby Dragon God Sardior, but the specific character isn’t as important as the role it fills for Gem Dragonborn characters.

Legendary Dragons

A large blue dragon covered in sharp horns

While statblocks for the average member of a draconic species is appreciated, updated forms of legendary dragons from previous editions would go a long way towards scratching the itch for content from D&D‘s past. Good candidates who haven’t yet appeared in 5e include the vampire dragon Capnolithyl, the frost dragon Icingdeath and the enormous red dragon Imvaernarho.

The book also promises details on greatwyrms, the most powerful form of dragons to date. A greatwyrm is a dragon who has developed the ability to see their alternate selves across different worlds. Once they reach a certain level of connection those selves, they amalgamate to form a greatwyrm, with access to the abilities of their myriad forms. Presenting powerful dragons from previous editions as greatwyrms would be a great way to bring them into the newer version of the game.

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Adventure Hooks

A group of Dragons sitting around a fire, drinking mead and sharing stories.

While it’s unclear as to how exactly Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons will be structured, a section with a small, dragon-themed adventure would be a great starting point for DMs. While the book will naturally include plenty of information on dragons, draconic lore and even dragonborn, all of that information is purely theoretical until a DM incorporates it into their game.

Mythic Odysseys of Theros included its own adventure called “No Silent Secret” for early-level adventurers, but even a page full of starting points would be easy to include and incredibly helpful. Adventure hooks are a great way to give newer Dungeon Masters ways to incorporate the tools they’ve just acquired, even if they’re not the same as a full module.

Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons is set to release on October 19, 2021.

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