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What If…? 10 Strongest Characters At The End Of Season 1, Ranked


One of the biggest appeals of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is its fascinating cast of characters, brought together over more than a decade to fight threats stronger than they could individually defeat on their own. From Tony Stark – who reforges himself into a superhero while being captive in Afghanistan – to Shang-Chi – who embraces his legacy as the next user of the Ten Rings – everyone has their own story, a new piece to add to the greater puzzle of the MCU.

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What If…? scrambles the pieces a bit, removing some from the equation and adding new details and variables. This creates an intriguing dynamic and also gives MCU fans a hint of what some characters could truly be capable of if circumstances had been different.

10 Hank Pym Manages To Take Out The Avengers Before They Can Assemble

Hank Pym is a surprising addition to the pantheon of powerful MCU characters. Perhaps because both he and Scott Lang have always been so conscientious with the use of the suit, fans never realized its true potential for destruction. In What If… the World Lost Its Mightiest Heroes?, that finally changes. Using the Yellowjacket suit, an unhinged Hank Pym kills Iron Man, Thor, Hawkeye, Black Widow, and even the Hulk.

He is finally taken out by Loki, but the episode points out how much damage the Ant-Man suit can do. To top it off, it is also Ant-Man who is responsible for spreading the zombie virus that comes from the Quantum Realm, indirectly killing most Avengers, and possibly every single human on the planet.

9 Captain Carter Is More Efficient In Her War Against Hydra Than Captain America

In the first episode of What If…?, Peggy Carter receives the serum in Steve’s place, which takes the war against Hydra in an entirely different direction. The Tesseract is recovered much sooner and Bucky Barnes never becomes the Winter Soldier. Like Steve, Peggy is easily able to take down the threats the Red Skull throws her way, even managing to push an interdimensional monster into the portal it came from.

But what truly makes Peggy remarkable isn’t her physical strength or enhancements. It’s the fact that she is able to face and defy a world that looks down on her for being a woman. She is always aware of her duties and responsibilities, so much so that she ends up accepting her inevitable loss of Steve after defeating Ultron with the other Guardians of the Multiverse.

8 Loki Uncovers His True Potential In His Life As A Frost Giant

Loki’s abilities have always been inconsistent in the MCU, and What If…? doesn’t change that. After his brother’s death, he succeeds in taking over Earth. However, during the finale of season one, he is immobilized by Natasha Romanov, which makes no sense considering the strength he’s already displayed in canon and his easy takedown of Yellowjacket.

Interestingly enough, however, his appearance in What If… Thor Were An Only Child? suggests his development and magic may have been stunted by his Asgardian upbringing. In the episode, Loki is shown as a full Frost Giant. While he doesn’t perform any significant feats of magic, it seems likely that in this form, he wouldn’t have been taken out so easily.

7 Wanda Maximoff Is Terrifying As A Zombie

The Scarlet Witch has always been a powerhouse in the MCU, as evidenced by her appearance in the Disney+ show WandaVision. In What If…?, her chaos magic doesn’t save her from the zombie virus, but it remains just as powerful even when she is undead. Wanda is one of the most terrifying zombies in the series, second only to zombie Thanos.

Her appearance and power are so shocking that even Infinity Ultron is taken aback when he has to face her. Granted, she is unable to put up much of a fight against him and she seems to lack control over her abilities, but that doesn’t change the amount of power she still has at her fingertips.

6 Thanos Isn’t As Much Of A Threat, But Is Still Powerful

Thanos holds up the stones

One of the strangest things in What If…? is that the biggest threat of the MCU becomes somewhat unimpressive and insignificant compared to his past self. Thanos’ first appearance in What If…? displays him as reformed, now a Ravager after having seen the error of his ways due to Star-Lord T’challa’s intervention. He has a heroic moment during which he confronts the Black Order to give the other Ravagers time to escape, but is wounded by Proxima Midnight and needs Nebula to come to his rescue.

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Infinity Ultron kills him with one single shot from the Mind Stone, which utterly obliterates everything fans knew about Thanos until that point. Still, the zombie version of the character seems to have taken over Wakanda, and he does remain the Mad Titan. Perhaps future episodes will redeem his portrayal.

5 Party Thor Engages In A Globe-Spanning Fight With Captain Marvel

What If...? Party Thor header

After growing up without Loki, What If…?‘s version of Thor is an immature party prince who doesn’t take leadership seriously. That doesn’t make him any less powerful. In fact, the opposite almost seems to be the case. During his fight with Captain Marvel, the two travel to different countries with each blow. The confrontation ends in Thor’s favor, with Thor pinning Captain Marvel under Mjolnir.

This display of strength may be somewhat exaggerated because of the tone of the episode, but even so, the God of Thunder remains one of the most powerful characters in What If…?, as evidenced by the Watcher’s decision to choose him as a member of his team.

4 Captain Marvel Drives Infinity Ultron Into The Core Of Xandar

Captain Marvel is more than Thor’s match – she is easily stronger. Her cosmic abilities allow her to absorb his lightning and the only reason she doesn’t defeat him is out of the desire to avoid collateral damage. She is among the few characters who put up a fight against Infinity Ultron, pushing him into the core of Xandar in an attempt to destroy him. Unfortunately, he is much too powerful even for her, and Infinity Ultron destroys Xandar, killing Captain Marvel in the process.

3 Doctor Strange Supreme Collapses His Universe For Love

Doctor Strange tries to save his universe and Christine with his magic

Doctor Strange Supreme is one of the most interesting presences in What If…? After he loses his lover Christine, Strange seeks answers in the mystic arts. He becomes the Sorcerer Supreme, and he can’t resist the temptation of using the Time Stone to save her. It doesn’t work, as Christine’s death is a fixed point in time.

Even when the Ancient One tries to explain this, Stephen doesn’t give up. In his obsession, he spends centuries accumulating more power. His nature becomes twisted by the interdimensional monsters he absorbs. After defeating his other self created by the Ancient One in a last-ditch attempt to stop him, Stephen can finally resurrect Christine. His universe collapses under the weight of the paradox Doctor Strange Supreme has created.

2 The Watcher’s Only True Weakness Is His Refusal To Act

The impassive observer who acts as What If…?‘s narrator, Uatu the Watcher is the closest thing to a deity that has appeared in the MCU so far. Omniscient and immortal, he has access to all universes and can time travel. His cosmic energy manipulation, superhuman strength, incredible durability, as well as his genius intellect make him an almost undefeatable combatant.

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The only exception to this rule proves to be Infinity Ultron, who surprises Uatu at first. But after his first defeat, Uatu is able to gather his team of heroes, correctly anticipating all their actions and setting the ultimate trap for his opponent. Truly, Uatu’s only weakness is his indecisiveness and refusal to act.

1 Infinity Ultron Is A Being That Symbolizes Cosmic Destruction

Ultron using the infinity stones for cruel and evil purposes in What If

When Ultron manages to claim Vision’s body, the rogue AI becomes more dangerous than any threat the Avengers have had to face in the past. He unleashes the nuclear apocalypse on Earth and easily defeats Thanos upon his arrival on the planet. Once he claims the Infinity Stones, the rest of the universe is his target, and the Multiverse is the next step.

To stop him, the Watcher is forced to abandon his vow of non-interference and gather the Guardians of the Multiverse. Infinity Ultron truly is one of the most powerful characters ever to show up in the MCU, and his mere existence challenges everything fans know about Vision.

NEXT: What If…? 10 Times Infinity Ultron Broke The MCU’s Power Scaling

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