Now that the third MCU series has come to a close, fans have just a few weeks to wait for the next one. The What If…? series isn’t expected to be MCU canon necessarily, but fans are certainly still very excited to see what could have been if small changes had been made.
Only a few of the episodes have been revealed thus far in trailers and interviews, but with the initial promise of one episode per film, fans might be expecting multiple seasons. With Loki revealing that a second season is on the way, it’s likely other shows will begin to expand beyond their initial season.
10 What If Steve Was Transported By The Cube Instead Of Red Skull?
For starters, he would have been the one to guard the Soul Stone on Vormir, and Red Skull presumably would have continued with his mission. Red Skull still had enough firepower to lay waste to the eastern seaboard. Hydra very well could have won the war and began a global takeover, turning the MCU into a Hydra nightmare.
Even if the U.S. was able to bounce back, Steve would never be part of the Avengers, which would be critical in the first two team-ups against the Chitauri and Ultron. Cap is always the one to call out the plan and motivate the team. Without him, the Avengers would likely break up after the initial conflict.
9 What If The Nuke Destroyed New York?
Not only would millions of innocent people have been killed, but most of the Avengers (current and future) would have perished as well. The remaining two or three would have still had to stave off the incoming invasion as the bomb would have only killed the Chitauri in the city.
New York would be in ruins while Loki watched live theater recounting his glorious victory. Meanwhile, with the three Infinity Stones from Earth, Thanos would be halfway to completing his mission about seven years earlier and would have the means to keep anyone from stopping him.
8 What If Tony Had Answered A Distress Call From The Guardians After Iron Man 3?
Had this actually happened (as originally planned) perhaps Tony could have met the Guardians on Xandar after helping to defeat Ronan and learned about the Infinity Stones then, preparing for Thanos many years earlier.
Not only could he significantly bolster Earth’s defenses, but he could also maybe track down the Stones and nullify them before Thanos could find them. This new trajectory could have resulted in Vision never being created, a benevolent Ultron, Wanda and Pietro never unlocking their latent powers, and/or the formation of the MCU’s Illuminati.
7 What If Hela Had Killed The Revengers?
Hela had Thor and Valkyrie dead to rights until Surtur burst from the Asgardian palace, immediately taking her attention. However, had Hela killed Loki on his way to the vault and then finished Thor and Valkyrie before dealing with or domesticating an injured Hulk, she easily could have prevented Ragnarok and ruled over Asgard, the Nine Realms, and beyond.
She would have been a ruthless tyrant conquering all, including Midgard, where she may have come across other Infinity Stones. Perhaps when Thanos (probably with the Power Stone and Reality Stone) came knocking for the Tesseract, Hela had also acquired the Mind Stone and Time Stone. An Infinity Stone showdown between these two would be incredibly epic. However, Hela is the Goddess of Death, Thanos may attempt to court her instead given his fascination with Death in the comics, making for a truly devastating power couple.
6 What If Hawkeye Had Died In Age Of Ultron Instead Of Pietro?
This could have resulted in an MCU canon introduction of the T.A.H.I.T.I. project which brings Avengers back to life with the infusion of Kree blood. Assuming Hawkeye would have similar Kree glyphs stuck in his mind as Coulson did, there is a chance he could have been a critical character in the upcoming Captain Marvel sequel.
On the flip side, had he outright died, Nat would probably still be alive (though someone else would die) as a different team would have been tasked with retrieving the Soul Stone in Endgame. Team Cap would have also been a man down in Civil War, making the mission all the more difficult for Steve and Bucky.
5 What If Dr. Strange Never Used The Time Stone?
Assuming Dr. Strange had no knowledge of the Time Stone prior to Dormammu’s attack on the Hong Kong Sanctum, he would have been able to do nothing. His options would be either watch in horror as the surrounding area continued to be destroyed or attempt to bargain without a Stone (i.e. death).
The Earth would have been enveloped by Dormammu’s Dark Dimension, especially if the Ancient One hid the Stone. With the Ancient One and Wong dead, finding the Stone would likely be out of the question. Perhaps this type of event would have been enough to prompt the Eternals to arrive or maybe the TVA would have pruned everything since Dormammu ruling the Earth would go against the “sacred timeline.”
4 What If Ant-Man Never Went To The Quantum Realm?
Imagine during the final fight in Ant-Man, Scott was able to defeat Yellowjacket without shrinking between the molecules. Cross would be in a psych ward rather than floating around the Quantum Realm and Scott never would have gone and come back when he heard Cassie’s voice.
No Quantum Realm roundtrip means Dr. Pym doesn’t believe Janet is still alive so he doesn’t develop a Quantum Tunnel. Without temporal shielding from the Quantum Tunnel, perhaps Scott gets dusted with the rest of team Ant-Man. Regardless, without a Quantum Tunnel, there is no highway for time travel. Thanos permanently wins, i.e. no Endgame, no more Spider-Man, no more Dr. Strange, etc.
3 What If Captain Marvel Had Called For The Chitauri Invasion?
The fight would have ended a lot sooner. Even without the “destroy the mothership” knowledge, she would be able to take down the army on her own and even fly into space instead of Tony. Danvers would have likely continued her space missions after the battle, but this would have impacted Tony a great deal.
He wouldn’t have had such severe PTSD, potentially keeping him from his crippling anxiety over the next invasion, resulting in no drive to develop Ultron. No Ultron unfortunately means no Vision, but it also means Sokovia stays in one piece and so do the Avengers since Zemo would have no reason to tear them apart. Additionally, if Ultron hadn’t stolen the scepter, Thor would have brought it back to Asgard, i.e. fewer Stones on Earth. Asgard would likely store it somewhere off-planet, much like the Aether.
2 What If Spider-Man Was Killed In The Final Explosion In Homecoming?
Tony (and May) would certainly be affected the most. Tony went out of his way to find Peter and bring him into the superhero world, so naturally Tony would completely blame himself for Parker’s death, especially considering he repoed the Stark-tech suit before this fight.
Tony would have likely developed a drinking problem and left the Avengers as it would be a constant reminder of how he let Peter down. Also, the fight on Titan would have been a lot more difficult without Tony and Peter. With Peter dying before the Snap, Tony wouldn’t have used bringing him back as motivation to create time travel.
1 What If Wanda’s Hex Expanded For Hundreds Or Thousands Of Miles?
If the entire world was under Wanda’s influence, it would require all magical beings to rise up against her to restore the world. Had the story gone this direction, it would have truly painted Wanda as a villain and perhaps would have delivered on the “House of M” rumors about Wanda willing mutants into existence.
Considering Wanda’s hold on people at the edge of the Hex was creepily minimal, most of the world would likely be stuck in a seconds-long time loop but be painfully aware of what’s happening until Strange and company were able to save the day. If Wanda went full villain, perhaps Strange would have to imprison her at the Sanctum Sanctorum with the rumored Spidey villains.
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