It’s been another fun week of the Nintendo Life, with some interesting news and announcements giving us plenty to chew over. A big one was the report that Nintendo is set to add Game Boy / Color to Nintendo Switch Online, there was intrigue around updated PEGI rating requirements around gambling, we shared our review of Sonic Colors Ultimate, there were rumours around an upcoming Nintendo Direct (of course), and the unhackable Wii Mini actually got hacked. And lots more besides, but you get the idea.
After all that it’s time to chill out and discuss our weekend gaming plans. A few members of the Nintendo Life team have done just that below, so feel free to give our entries a read and then join in with your own via our comment section. Enjoy!
Tom Whitehead, deputy editor
I need to make a long overdue return to The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles; so far I’ve reached the 4th case so it’s definitely time to pick it back up. I may start a fresh playthrough of Luigi’s Mansion 3 as well, it may not be Halloween yet but I just have a surprising desire to play it again.
Outside of Switch I’m still very much enjoying Psychonauts 2, and I’ve also started working through The Ascent as well, which is beautiful and simplisic – you just shoot a bunch of goons in a cyberpunk environment, and that’s just fine.
Kate Gray, staff writer
This weekend, when I’m not unpacking even more IKEA purchases, I’ll be playing Kitaria Fables (review coming soon). I know this is a small spoiler for the review, but I’m surprised at how much I’m enjoying it! I hope I also get time to play more NES games — we just got the Commodore 1702 set up next to the flatscreen, because I want to play the game properly!
PJ O’Reilly, reviewer
Hello. This weekend I’m going to be spending any free gaming time I get playing No More Heroes 3. I’ve just finished up my first ever playthrough of Desperate Struggle (loved it) and am just gonna keep the momentum up and blast straight into Travis Touchdown’s latest trashy adventure.
Besides this, and with new WarioWare about to drop on Switch, I’ve dusted off my 2DS and am planning to introduce my two kids to WarioWare Gold before getting them started on Get It Together! Have a good weekend, whatever you’re all up to or playing.
Ollie Reynolds, reviewer
Hey folks! Another quiet weekend for me, so I’ll be kicking back with a few games. I’m still working through Guacamelee!, really taking my time with it and enjoying every moment. I’ve also revisited Animal Crossing: New Horizons after an extended break, so it’s nice to get back into the swing of things there too. Lots of new weeds to clear out, at least!
Elsewhere, I’m enjoying the heck out of Psychonauts 2 on the Series X; no joke guys, this might be one of my favourite platformers of all time. It’s up there with the very best!
As always, thanks for reading! Make sure to leave us a comment below with your weekend gaming plans!