
It’s been a little bit milder here n the UK this week, but it looks like things are about to hot up again. The news has also been a bit steadier, too. Nintendo unveiled a brand new Splatoon 3-Themed Switch OLED earlier this week. The upcoming Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion will have some “differences” in resolution and frame rate on Switch. And there’s a new LEGO set coming, and it’s a big ol’ Bowser that you can get into a fight with!
We’ve had a healthy dose of DLC reviews this week, too. Both Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course and Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak blew us away. Some of us got together to create this weird hybrid console made up of aspects of every single Nintendo console. And we’ve played some Xenoblade Chronicles 3 and we think it’s shaping up to be a corker!
Now it’s time to chill out and discuss our weekend gaming plans. A few members of the Nintendo Life team have done just that below, so feel free to give our entries a read and then join in with your own via our comment section. Enjoy!
Alana Hagues, staff writer
I’ll be on vacation for the next week, but my Switch will be accompanying me by the poolside (from a safe distance, of course), as will Klonoa in Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series! I am so excited to replay two of my favourite childhood games. I need more Klonoa and Klonoa merchandise in my life, so this will be a special one.
I’m still making steady progress in Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna – The Golden Country, though that’s had to take a back seat thanks to Live A Live — which I’m reviewing (see what we think so far in our preview!). I’ve also been watching my partner play some Triangle Strategy, and while it’s a little slow and I’m trying to get my head around the combat, I think I definitely want to give this a go myself. Enjoy your weekend, everyone!
Gonçalo Lopes, reviewer
A heat wave hitting us hard over here so the plan for this weekend is to stay in, hide from the sun and play cool video games for 48 hours straight. Nothing caught my fancy on eShop this week except Arcade Archives Rabio Lepus but the physical release of Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series has turned out to be a fine remaster of an underrated PS1 classic along with its PS2 sequel. Other than that I’m still grinding away at the final chapter of Valkyria Chronicles along with its generous slice of extra content.
Game of the week is… a demo? I am quite fond and familiar with the original Live A Live on Super Famicom and I plan to complete the last scenario available on the Switch demo. 2D-HD is a thing of beauty!
Austin Voight, contributor
This weekend, I’m digging back into the archives, baby. I’ve got a bunch of awesome Game Boy Colour / GBA / GameCube games that have been sitting on my desk, staring at me longingly — and I’ll finally have a free weekend to dedicate some time to them.
First and foremost, I’ll be playing a little Pokémon Crystal — the battery in my original cartridge stopped working ages ago, but I finally found a working copy online, yippee! After that, I’ll be playing a little Hamtaro: Rainbow Rescue on the GBA (don’t laugh, it’s amazing). I also recently brought home an old RCA TV VCR from my family’s cabin (the place where technology goes to die), so I’m eager to dig into my GameCube collection on that monster, as well – Wind Waker is an obvious first pick. Should be a very retro weekend!
As always, thanks for reading! Make sure to leave us a comment below with your weekend gaming plans!