Ollie Reynolds, Staff Writer
It’s unlikely I’ll be playing anything of any major consequence over the Christmas period, but I did recently download Ghostwire: Tokyo on the PS5, so I’ll probably jump into that wherever possible. It’s also almost guaranteed that the family will partake in some Jackbox Party Pack festivities at some point; can’t beat a bit of Quiplash while you let your Christmas dinner make its way through your bowels!
On the Switch, I’m actually currently replaying a greatly overlooked niche title called The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I heard there’s some sort of sequel coming out in 2023, so I figured it might be best to get myself reacquainted with the first game again.
Jim Norman, Staff Writer
Christmas is never a time for any hardcore narrative gaming in the Norman household, but party games? That’s where we go hard.
This year, I am thinking that it is going to be all about the Switch (though if the Wii gets booted up, as is tradition, I wouldn’t be surprised). There will definitely be some Super Mario Party, probably some Just Dance and I’m expecting a light spattering of Nintendo Switch Sports thrown in for good measure.
When I can sneak in a little time to myself, however, I will continue to mess up aliens and leap over buildings in Into The Breach – you know, classic Christmassy stuff.
Alana Hughes, Staff Writer
Like a lot of others here, I probably won’t be diving into too much gaming over the long holiday weekend, especially since we’re driving a few hundred miles to see family on a couple of days! Chained Echoes will continue to stay with me, and I’ll probably dive into Pokémon Violet and show some of the kids how to be a true Pokémon master.
If anything, this week’s House of Indies has just added a ton of games to my wish list – and potential buying list. Melatonin and Sports Story (I still haven’t beaten Golf Story yet… perhaps that’s my 2023 goal) are burning a hole in my purse already. Most importantly, whenever I am gaming, it’ll be with a nice festive beverage in hand. Have a wonderful holiday weekend folks – thanks for spending time with us in 2022!
Kate Gray, Staff Writer
Well, this weekend is Christmas, so I’ll be playing everyone’s favourite game: Making a big ol’ turkey dinner. When I’m not frantically wrapping and planning and tidying, I’d like to sit down with my Steam Deck, which I haven’t had much time to play with recently!
Also, now I get some time off, I really need to polish off my unfinished games backlog. That includes, but is not limited to: Pokémon Scarlet, Hollow Knight, Strange Horticulture, and Rune Factory 4. I might even boot up the GameCube to give Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life a go before the remake next summer!
Gonçalo Lopes, Reviewer
Making great strides to complete Front Mission 1st: Remake O.C.U. campaign, will jump straight into the U.S.N.C. one after the festivities are complete. Amazing prelude for a Merry Switchmas with physical arrivals of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, Demon Throttle, River City Girls Zero, and Cuphead. The real Xmas miracle is on the eShop: Wavetale, Lil Gator Game, GyroBlade, The Rusty Sword: Vanguard Island, and Kaiju Wars all making the holidays rounds.
Game of the Week is Sail Forth. In effect a deeper Wind Waker sailing simulator that I am finding extremely hard to put down and is in fact getting in my way of progress into Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion. What a ride this has been… have a great holiday everyone!
Gavin Lane, Editor
Beyond my annual festive trip to Freezeezy Peak, I intend to take a moment on Christmas morning, sit down with my kids, and introduce them to an icon. Something formative in the medium of video games. Something really simple to set them on a good path with a solid foundation in the classics. Yes, I’m going to try showing them Pong via the excellent Atari 50 compilation.
Will it hold their attention? Will it entertain for more than a few moments? Will they take one look at the screen and begin chanting Kir-by! Kir-by! Kir-by! in my earhole? Quite possibly. But what sort of Christmas would it be if an ageing relative weren’t to reminisce about the olden days and bore everyone blind, huh?
Have a good one, everyone.
So, what are you playing? Let us know in the poll below, and leave a comment below with your festive gaming plans!