Back in August, which is obviously an unfathomable length of time ago, the adverts for a mobile game called Merge Mansion went semi-viral on Twitter. The post was not unwarranted. The twists, the turns, the drama: it all makes Merge Mansion seem like it must be bananas.
In that original advert, a bride gets out of a taxi to find her house (and presumably husband) is on fire. Her grandmother takes care of her and unlocks the gate to a huge mansion, which the woman begins rennovating. Then out of nowhere the cops come and arrest grandma, and she presses her hand to the inside of the police car window where, Lost-style, she’s written a message on the palm of her hand reading “He is alive”. I was reminded of it this weekend because I saw a similar ad where a policeman comes to the house to arrest grandma and she escapes on a motorbike, pulling a sick wheelie.