We had the pleasure of chatting with Sarah Spookychild all about their work!
1. What inspired you to become a writer?
It was ages ago, when I was 15. I am not sure if it was the constant reading I was doing, but I started writing about things that had happened to me and fictionalized the circumstances, giving them happy endings. I was already suffering from anxiety and depression at this point. Writing was my therapy.
2. What kind of stories do you enjoy telling?
Usually they have a romance in them as well as an element of mystery/sci-fi/fantasy or suspense. I am fond of dangerous situations, a bad “guy” and conflict or action of some kind
3. What do you hope your readers take away from your work?
Any lessons? I usually put faith into my stories, not necessarily Christianity but the sense of a higher power or karma and that it is better to be kind and the bad “guy” always gets what is coming to them eventually.
4. What are your goals for 2023?
Reach more readers and find people who love my novels as much as I do
5. What has been the greatest moment so far as a writer?
I would say selling my first novel for the first time and the last week has been pretty awesome as I sold seven books. But I went seven weeks with no sales in between.
6. Where can people find and support your work?
I have a blog with writing samples and links to the individual book pages. https://secovert84.com This is my authors page with book information: https://books2read.com/ap/xbOLqq/Sarah-Spookychild?edit=maybe-later… And I have @spookychild1984 on IG, @spookychild8411 on Twitter, and @spookychild84 on Facebook all these are author pages as well