
We Interviewed Vtuber Phoebe! – All Ages of Geek


We had the pleasure of interviewing @Phoebe_VTuber all about their journey as a Vtuber!

1. What inspired you to become a Vtuber?

I was inspired to become a VTuber ever since Kizuna Ai debuted back in 2016. It was a really great concept to me at the time, I just never had the opportunity to try it out till now >~<

2. tell us about your model!

My model is made by the fantastic Sapphire_001 over on twitter, it’s currently a PNG but I plan to save up enough money to get a full live2D from her in the future <3

3.what is the best part about being a Vtuber?

Most likely meeting new awesome people and becoming friends with them! <3

4. What would you tell someone who wants to become a Vtuber? Any advice?

I would say if you want to and have the means, go for it! ^~^ It’s becoming easier to get into, there are a lot of different models and you can even make one yourself if you’re an artist, and there’s also stuff like vroid if you aren’t one <3

5. Goals for this year? 6.

Honestlyyy I don’t necessarily have any set goals for like growth wise but I’d like to learn stuff like video editing and things like that to keep improving as a creator and produce better content for my audience <3

6. Where can people support you?

I do have a carrd that has my socials on it but CURRENTLY I’m on Twitter, Twitch, trying to get into YouTube and I also have a growing discord server anyone can join, even other VTubers! <3 My carrd in question is on my twitter @Phoebe_VTuber, the link is also here if I’m allowed to include it >~<


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