
We Interviewed Vtuber Jojokim Broadén


We had the pleasure of chatting with Vtuber Jojokim Broadén all about their journey as a Vtuber!


1.What inspired you to become a Vtuber?

Before becoming a vtuber, I streamed for a bit with a facecam. Wasn’t my thing so I didn’t stream for awhile. Then one of my vtuber friends, Letania Belladone, inspired me to become a vtuber. So even if she’s small, she’s a huge inspiration for me.

2. Tell us about your model!

My human model is based on a picture of me wearing my concert outfit with sunglasses on. Also, the outfit is heavily inspired by the singer of Sabaton, Joakim Brodén. Then I got an idea to add a Carolean coat on the model for Sweden’s nationalday, but because I’m Swedish and the fact that it fits so well, I decided to leave it on. Then I also have a tank model and the story behind that is actually kinda funny cause I just based the concept (which is me being able to turn into a tank) behind the model of a meme that I found. Also, why a tank? Tanks are awesome.

3.What is the best part about being a Vtuber?

I would say the community. Of all the communities I’ve been a part of, the vtuber community is very welcoming and… somewhat wholesome. Also, I’ve gotten so many new friends from this community and I’m very grateful for that.

4. What would you tell someone who wants to become a Vtuber? Any advice?

Don’t expect success overnight. It will demotivate you and maybe even cause you to quit. Also, have realistic goals. One more thing: avoid looking at the viewer count while streaming. Trust me on this one.

5. Goals for this year?

Reach 500 followers on Twitch, get more friends and… be better, I guess.

6. Where can people support you?

You can find me on Twitter (@JojokimBroaden), on Youtube (Jojokim Broadén) and of course, Twitch (JojokimBroaden)


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