
We Interviewed Voice Actor Andy Mack!


We had the pleasure of chatting with voice actor Andy Mack! Be sure to check it out to hear more about Andy’s journey as an actor, advice, and more about the vo industry! Perhaps this interview will inspire you to continue to work towards your goals!

1. What inspired you to start voice acting?

A: As a dad, former Disney Cast Member, and English teacher, I was always absorbed and involved in storytelling. Therefore, as a way to make some extra summertime money during my teaching days, I started dabbling in VO for some local companies back in New England. I caught the bug and reached out to more and more potential clients to the point where I was eventually able to transition to full-time VO. Somewhere along the way, it started to transition to more and more video games and I’ve never looked back!

2. What is your favorite type of character/part to act as?

A: I’ve been fortunate to voice a variety of characters but my current favorite two roles are really grizzled, cantankerous elderly guys as well as upbeat, naive (some might say slightly annoying) droid/robot sidekicks.

3. Advice to new voice actors?

A: My advice to new actors is threefold: 1.) Get used to hearing “no” (or worse, nothing at all) and accepting it will happen often and that it’s not a reflection of who you are as an actor or person. 2.) Be resourceful and politely persistent. With the internet and social media, it’s quite easy to find leads to reach out to and potentially create more work for yourself. 3.) Be kind. While VO/gaming can seem like a massive ocean of devs, engineers, actors, and publishers, many of us know each other and talk often (as well as have long memories) so please treat everyone with respect, don’t be dismissive, and stay humble.

4. What has been the best part of being a voice actor?

A: I think the best part of being in VO is the variety it brings. It’s hard to feel “stuck” or unmotivated when each audition and/or project/commercial/game brings something totally new, interesting, and unique. Within a given day I can be a troll, a deep-space miner, a WWII veteran, a wraith, and brooding teen. It also makes me laugh to think I’ve made a career out of what used to get me detention in school years ago, haha.

5. Thoughts on All Ages of Geek?

A: As a kid of the 80s/90s, I love the AAoG’s nostalgia trips, video game coverage, and the Geekoning pod!

6. What is your goal for 2025?

A: My goal for 2025 is to do more AAA games (praying for that Final Fantasy X remake) and hopefully work with Disney in some sort of game/park VO capacity.

7. Where can folks support your work?

A: Folks can find my work over on my WEBSITE, on IMDB , on Twitter at @andymackvoice, and over at LinkedIn.

Thanks for having me and I’ll be here in my booth if you want to say hi or bring snacks!

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