We had the pleasure of interviewing NFT artist @Lemurians_io.
1. How long have you been in the NFT space?
You know, sometimes it feels like a long time, sometimes it seems like a tiny moment. I found NFTs in December 2020, and minted my Genesis piece “breathe” on OpenSea, a short animation. After that I began minting select digital artworks, and even some original painting photos. Right off the bat I sold 3 cheap pieces and was surprised how smoothly everything went. I was hooked, Since then I’ve been interacting with the scene almost nonstop. I’ve been super inspired by the fact that digital artwork, which I’ve worked on my whole life, was now a worthwhile endeavor for a small creator like myself.
2.What inspired you to make art?
I gather inspiration from everything in my life. I have been blessed and burdened by an itch for creativity since I was a very small child. Starting out I would draw my favourite characters, like dragon ball and other anime. Then the original catnip content started coming through, and from a young age I wanted to create worlds for a living. Eventually, I found public art/streetart and muralism and once that became my main gig, art took over every aspect of my life. So, in conclusion, I’d say a big part of my job on earth is to gather inspiration… seek it out almost, to fill my cup and create or alchemize new artwork from that. Could be a bird in the sky, the way a branch grows, or even a conversation I overhear on the bus. The whole world is ripe with Inspo.
3. What makes your NFTs stand out?
Well, my NFTs are highly art based, bringing a focus to the idea that imagination is our greatest utility. With my series “How do we feel today?” I collaborated with an image processing AI, which I trained with 50 of my original paintings. What I got was many textural elements that sort of had my style in it.. I made little silhouette heads out of them and began minting for fun. To my surprise, a few very supportive people found the collection and bought and sold nearly all 111 of those unique little galactic children. I was amazed, and it really made me consider the implications of NFTs on bringing abundance to creatives. And that’s why I decided to create the magical generative beings Lemurians and their “city” Lemuria! Our goal is to create a community that can bring abundance to small creatives and people in need through partial sales percentage and royalties. We will use the NFTs as a springboard to gather as a community and vote to decide how we can help the planet at an interpersonal level. Plus they are just a liiiittle bit cute.
4. Where can people find your NFTs?
My NFTs exist mostly on the ETH blockchain, of which I mostly utilize OpenSea. Here are my links! -“Open the Sky 1/1s” (animations, paintings, etc) https://opensea.io/collection/open-the-sky/… -“How do we feel today?” 111 unique Feels https://opensea.io/collection/how-do-we-feel… -Lemurians, 8888 generated magical beings: https://opensea.io/collection/lemurians… (Coming soon) Twitter for Lemurians: @Lemurians_io Twitter for personal artist page: @lookupcatnip Instagrams: @lookupcatnip @catnipnfts
5. Plans for 2022?
2022 will be a year of beauty. Lemurians will launch end of 2021, and so by 2022 we will be activated in the world of NFTs by sharing the Lemurian mission. I also want to paint a bunch of murals in 2022, and find new ways to assist the earth. Last year we built an art garden park in a run down industrial building, and so I plan to go deeper into that and try to get more unused spaces in my area rejuvenated and given new life. This is also an edict of Lemurians, where we will host global guerrilla gardening events in which planting plants in real life will earn you an NFT airdrop (and more like this). So these types of things are my 2022, and as every year I will continue to work on my traditional paintings, having art shows and community events to stimulate the arts. I hope to be able to invite Lemurians to our real life (or metaverse) dance parties one day too, as the world opens again. And I’m willing to bet 2022 will hold some pleasant surprises. Thanks for the questions, All Ages of Geek, and thanks for the read, readers! Feel free to reach out at any time to learn more or ask whatever you feel! lookupcatnip@gmail.com