by: Tussii Stauffer
- What inspired you to make a tennis/fighting game?
To be honest, one day I saw an illustration of Rafa Nadal converted into a “fighter”, like a fictional character, so suddenly all came to my mind in a quick way. Also, as a tennis player and a gamer, I always wanted to create a tennis video game that really reflects the true mechanics of the actual tennis sport. So, we are on this.
- What was the hardest part of developing your game?
The hardest thing is to implement the mechanics I have in my mind into the game. It’s like converting the tennis sport into mathematics in order to make it playable on a computer. So this is a challenge, also to make it accessible to the players, in order to create the perfect balance between a funny gameplay and skill based gameplay.
- What was the easiest part of development?
Right now I can’t say that there is a “easy part”, but I would say that working in a 3D world, sometimes lets you “change” some things in an easy way (better than if it will be a 2D game).
- What would you say to anyone who wants to learn how to make an independent game such as TennisFighters?
If you want to start a game like ours, you will need the following (a lot of these 3 things):
patience + work + self organization - What would you say your long-term goal is for TennisFighters?
Our goal is to make a Tennis video game reference, like Pro Evolution Soccer, where what matters is the gameplay and the feeling of playing an actual sport.
- How else can we support your game?
We would be glad if you could try our game and leave a review in the Steam page, as all the reviews are very important for the Steam List. Also if you could make some reference to our game in your social media.
- Is there anything you would like to add?
I’m Spanish, we are an indie Studio in Barcelona (Spain), so sorry in advance if you found some “english” mistakes in the text.LEARN MORE HERE
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Tussii Stauffer is a contributing writer at All Ages of Geek. You can follow her on Twitter @tastauffer & on Facebook at Tussii Stauffer.