
We Interviewed Lizzie Chan Cosplays


MinaRose2023 here with a new interview this time with Cosplayer Lizzie Chan Cosplays!

Hello Lizzie Chan! Hope you’re having a good day today.

 Lizzie Chan Cosplays: Hello,It’s a pleasure to be here and thank you very much,Hope you are having a good day,Too! 🦋🌸💖👏🏻🥰

What started your love for Cosplay? Lizzie Chan Cosplays: It started for both my love for costumes and theater,Ever since I was a child and I always wanted to become a cosplayer,Whenever I would see people dressed up as their favourite characters with friends,I thought it looked SO much fun! 💖🤗💖

Do you act while cosplaying? Lizzie Chan Cosplays: Oh yes,I LOVE getting into character and bringing fan favourite characters to life! 👉🏻👈🏻😸💖

Have you been to Cosplay Competition? Lizzie Chan Cosplays: I have had the opportunity to participate in cosplay contests in the past,Both on my own and with friends as well. 😊✌🏻✌🏻💖💖💖

What anime do you like to Cosplay as? Lizzie Chan Cosplays: I enjoy cosplaying from my fave anime shows,Mostly from Demon Slayer,Black Butler,Sailor Moon and Attack on Titan 💁🏻‍♀️💖🌸🌸🌸

Any favorite characters? Lizzie Chan Cosplays: From Demon Slayer: Shinobu,Nezuko and Kanao,From Sailor Moon: Sailor Moon,Sailor Jupiter,From Black Butler: Elizabeth “Lizzie”,Ciel,Sebastian,Grell and Meyrin. I also enjoy cosplaying from video games and Disney Princesses,Especially Belle as well as Anna. 😽🫶🏻💓💓💓


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