Comics Reviews

War Machine Is About to Step Back Into Her Life


A crisis in the life of Captain Marvel has garnered the concern of her Avengers teammates and paved the way for her latest heartbreak to return.

Warning: The following contains spoilers for Captain Marvel #29 by Kelly Thompson, Jacopo Camagni, Espen Grundetjern and VC’s Clayton Cowles, on sale now.

Lately, Carol Danvers’ life has been turned upside down in almost every way imaginable. Not only was she ripped through time to the future, but there she met two people that changed her life in remarkably different ways. Apart from the tyrannical Ove, she also met the daughter of James Rhodes, the hero who she was in a relationship with in her own time. With the revelation that she was not the mother of his future daughter, Carol ended her relationship with Rhodes. Now that Captain Marvel needs some serious help, her newest love interest, Doctor Strange, has awkwardly asked Rhodey to step in.

Captain Marvel’s quest to defeat Ove before he can create the horrific future that she witnessed firsthand has led her to the Asgardian Enchantress, who just so happens to be Ove’s mother. Surprisingly, Enchantress is willing to entertain Carol’s hunt for her own mystic edge where others have not and leads her on a quest that will give her what she seeks.

Of course, the recent shift in Carol’s demeanor has been cause for concern for the people who care most about her, including Doctor Strange. Their recent affair hasn’t changed his mind about not teaching her magic, but it has given him good reason to call in for assistance, and the only person who can really help Carol is War Machine. Unfortunately, he hasn’t taken their breakup much better than she has, and Doctor Strange projecting into his apartment unannounced doesn’t help.

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Even if Rhodey didn’t spend weeks locked in his apartment after the relationship ended the way that Carol did, he is still not ready to confront the woman who broke his heart. War Machine has long been one of the most level-headed figures in the Marvel Universe, and no circumstances have kept him from persisting when given the chance.

Still, Rhodes isn’t one to go where he isn’t wanted, and he has been staying out of Carol’s hair since their break-up. When they finally called it quits, Rhodey had no problem brushing aside Carol’s suggestion that meeting his potential daughter would change his feelings, although the fact that her name was also Carol only should have reaffirmed the love that James has for her.

RELATED: Kelly Thompson Breaks Down Captain Marvel’s Strange, Magical Journey

The situation certainly isn’t fair to Rhodey. Still, the fact that he is ultimately willing to grit his teeth and reach out to Carol only further emphasizes that he is the best kind of hero and friend, even to those who have hurt him.

There is no telling how their next meeting will go, but there is always the chance that it might rekindle the flame that they once had. If not, Rhodey may hopefully be able to at least talk some sense into Captain Marvel before she goes down a road that she isn’t prepared to take.

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