Voice actress Hikaru Akao posted a handwritten message on her Twitter account on Wednesday announcing that she has married a person related to the music industry. She thanked her fans for their support and said she plans to continue “pouring love” into the characters she voices.
It is common for voice actors to find love within the acting and music industries. Just last month, voice actress Haruka Yamazaki announced her marriage to drummer SHiN. The two worked together on the The [email protected] Million Live! Theater Days smartphone game.
Hikaru Akao‘s best-known roles are in idol-adjacent anime. She played Riri Hitotsuyanagi in Assault Lily Bouquet, Seria Morino in Gekidol, and Maryberry in Lapis Re:LiGHTs. She also voices Ichika Tsumura in Smile Down the Runway, Kaoruko Moeta in Comic Girls, and Koharu Shimoe in Blue Archive. She won the best new actress award in the 16th Annual Seiyū Awards last year.
Source: Hikaru Akao‘s Twitter account via Yaraon!