
Violet Evergarden Staff Shows How You Can Braid Your Hair Like Violet – Interest


The Violet Evergarden Twitter account shared a neat tidbit from the production staff last week: In order to properly draw Violet’s hair in the Violet Evergarden I: Eternity and the Auto Memory Doll side story anime, the staff at Kyoto Animation prepared a detailed diagram and instructions on how she braids her hair.

Although the blueprint was for drawing purposes, the tweet suggests that perhaps the fans might be able to use it to braid hair in a similar style to Violet’s.

For a more detailed breakdown on how Violet Evergarden‘s animation comes to life, check out the production process on the anime’s official website.

Kyoto Animation‘s television anime adaptation of author Kana Akatsuki and illustrator Akiko Takase‘s Violet Evergarden novels premiered on television in Japan and on Netflix in some territories in January 2018. The anime launched on Netflix in the United States in April 2018. Violet Evergarden I: Eternity and the Auto Memory Doll (Violet Evergarden Gaiden: Eien to Jidō Shuki Ningyō), opened in theaters in Japan in September 2019. Netflix debuted the anime in April 2020. The Violet Evergarden: The Movie sequel film opened in Japan on September 2020, and began streaming on Netflix on October 13, 2021.

[Via Otakomu]


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