Skyward Sword benefits the most from its remaster – fewer mandatory tutorials and a brand new control scheme, making it the most improved remake of the bunch.
Twilight Princess benefitted a lot from its remaster graphically – a rather muddy looking GameCube game looks great in HD, and a few new additions help improve the gameplay too.
Wind Waker benefitted from gameplay and QoL improvements, but a shift in its lighting and shading style made it lose some of its cartoony charm.
Ocarina of Time looks graphically improved and implements a new system of equipping boots that helps cut the tedium of certain sections of the game.
Majora’s Mask makes too many changes that miss the point of what made the original interesting. The redesigned boss fights are much worse, and the changes to Deku hopping and Zora swimming in particular absolutely ruins a huge portion of the experience. Worst remake of the bunch for sure.