Our lovely video producer Zion is back once again with a hefty shopping haul, showcasing his uh… let’s say varied taste in games.
At the top of the pile is a rather curious Japanese titled released in 2020 called Tabe-O-Ja, which is essentially a cooking game in which you summon creatures called “Tabe-Gami”. The package itself comes with some NFC cards, a Joy-Con add-on device, and perhaps most interestingly, a bottle of hot sauce (not actual hot sauce, although the first publisher that includes some hot sauce with an upcoming game gets a thumbs up from us). It’s a bizarre game, and you should really check out the video below for a proper look at what’s included.
Otherwise, we’ve got some Pokémon Manga, a remarkably well-kept Game Boy Pocket, some Sega Genesis games, and much, much more. Strap yourselves in, because this is a bit of a long one, and enjoy.