Private Division and Roll7 have unveiled their latest trailer for OlliOlli World, the latest and upcoming entry in the popular side-scrolling skateboarding series, and this one’s all about customisation.
Hosted by Roll7 Co-CEO Simon Bennett, the video (up above) shows off a number of different ways in which players will be able to customise their characters. There looks to be a pleasing amount of customisation on offer, including body type, skin tone, clothing, and hair, as well as additional options like poses and skate tricks.
“Skaters in OlliOlli World can opt for flip-flops to match their camouflage jacket or pair some super-stylish ‘Face Melter’ sunglasses with a fancy retro winter trapper. Or just settle for a fashionable Ice Cream hair style. Hundreds of customisation options let players express their individualism to the fullest!
It’s certainly a welcome feature, and one that’ll no doubt help convince even more players to pick it up when it launches later this year. If you missed it earlier this summer, make sure to also give the game’s E3 trailer a watch here.