Back in June, the lovely Nintendo Life video team – comprised of Alex, Zion, and Felix – finally met up in person for the first time in like… ever. Not only that, but a few other friends and colleagues from Nintendo Life also joined in on the fun, making for one of the most memorable experiences since the world went a bit weird back in 2020.
As part of his trip over to the UK, Zion embarked on a couple of intensive video game hunts with the help of fellow Nintendo Life video producer Felix and ex-Nintendo Life alumni (now Good Vibes Gaming video host) Jon Cartwright. The hunts highlighted some key regional differences between EU and NA, including the general price of games, the existence of regional specific games (Cheggers Party Quiz, anyone?), and how items such as Wii Points were distributed.
It makes for an interesting glimpse into the world of Nintendo gaming in the UK, so make sure to check out the full video below for all the lowdown!