Updating The List for Innistrad: Crimson Vow


Posted in Feature
on November 4, 2021

The release of Innistrad: Crimson Vow on November 19 brings with it another update to The List! Like its partner set, Innistrad: Midnight Hunt, this one brings 75 newly added cards from across Magic‘s long history. This is in addition to the set’s cool new cards—check out these articles for all the details:

Cards from The List can be found in Set Boosters, appearing about 25% of the time in the final card slot, and are cards that fit well with the set’s narrative and mechanical themes. All rarities are represented, from common all the way up to mythic rare. A card that is on The List does not make it legal in Standard, though; these cards are legal in whatever formats they are already legal in.

Here’s a look back at past versions of The List.

Past versions of The List

Below you’ll find lists of the cards that have been added to The List, as well as those that are dropping off to make room for the new additions. Finally, you’ll also find a complete list of all the cards currently on The List.

(Note: Card images that appear may not match the version found on The List. See the set identifier in the righthand column for the version included in The List.)

Cards removed from The List

All cards in The List

Card Name Set
Abrupt Decay GK1
Angel of Serenity C15
Blood Moon A25
Cavalier of Night M20
Champion of the Parish DDQ
Coveted Jewel C18
Day’s Undoing ORI
Exquisite Blood M21
Gisa and Geralf EMN
Lonis, Cryptozoologist MH2
Master of the Wild Hunt A25
Midnight Clock ELD
Mikaeus, the Unhallowed UMA
Nightmare AKH
Pir’s Whim BBD
Profaner of the Dead DTK
Sanguine Sacrament XLN
Selfless Spirit EMN
Sidisi, Undead Vizier DTK
Speaker of the Heavens M21
Tempest Djinn DAR
Thalia’s Lieutenant SOI
Transmogrifying Wand M19
Traverse the Outlands C17
Twilight Prophet RIX
Vampiric Tutor EMA
Witch of the Moors M21
Academy Elite CNS
Air Elemental P02
All Suns’ Dawn 5DN
Always Watching SOI
Ancient Den MRD
Ancient Tomb TMP
Animate Dead EMA
Arcades, the Strategist M19
Arcane Teachings JUD
Arcbound Overseer DST
Archetype of Aggression BNG
Archive Trap ZEN
Arlinn, Voice of the Pack WAR
Assassin’s Blade POR
Assault Formation IMA
Aura Shards INV
Bad Moon DDD
Balefire Dragon ISD
Balefire Liege EVE
Baral, Chief of Compliance TSR
Belligerent Brontodon XLN
Benediction of Moons GPT
Biomass Mutation GTC
Birthing Boughs MH1
Blackblade Reforged SS2
Bleak Coven Vampires SOM
Blood Clock SOK
Blood Crypt DIS
Blood Pet TMP
Blood Rites C13
Bloodchief Ascension ZEN
Bloodied Ghost EVE
Boiling Blood WTH
Brinelin, the Moon Kraken CMR
Call of the Nightwing GTC
Captivating Vampire M11
Cavern of Souls AVR
Celestial Ancient DIS
Ceremonial Guard MMQ
Chandra Nalaar M11
Chatter of the Squirrel ODY
Cloister Gargoyle AFR
Cloud Key FUT
Cold Storage TMP
Commencement of Festivities KLD
Cranial Plating TSR
Crested Sunmare HOU
Crimson Muckwader M13
Cruel Celebrant WAR
Cult of the Waxing Moon SOI
Dark Depths CSP
Daxos the Returned C15
Deathcoil Wurm P02
Deathless Knight ELD
Deeproot Champion XLN
Demonic Tutor UMA
Desolation Angel APC
Dire Wolf Prowler AFR
Divining Witch NEM
Doubling Cube 10E
Dragonlord Dromoka DTK
Dryad Militant  
Dual Casting AVR
Dungeon Shade STH
Early Harvest MIR
Eiganjo Castle CHK
Elenda, the Dusk Rose RIX
Elspeth Conquers Death THB
Emissary of Sunrise XLN
Entreat the Dead C18
Erratic Portal EXO
Expedition Map 2XM
Expose to Daylight RNA
Exuberant Wolfbear IKO
Fact or Fiction MH1
Faithless Looting DDK
Fiendslayer Paladin M14
Fierce Witchstalker ELD
Filigree Angel ARB
Fireball DD2
Firemane Angel RAV
Flesh // Blood DGM
Floodhound MH2
Fool’s Tome TMP
Frost Titan M11
Gaea’s Will MH2
Gate to the Afterlife AKH
Gauntlet of Power TSP
Gemstone Caverns TSP
General Kudro of Drannith IKO
Geralf’s Messenger DKA
Ghitu Chronicler DAR
Gisela, Blade of Goldnight AVR
Goblin Assassin LGN
Golem’s Heart SOM
Grand Arbiter Augustin IV MMA
Graveborn Muse 10E
Gravespawn Sovereign ONS
Great Teacher’s Decree IMA
Grenzo, Dungeon Warden A25
Grimoire of the Dead ISD
Grind // Dust HOU
Gutter Grime ISD
Guttersnipe E01
Guttural Response DDS
Guul Draz Assassin ROE
Hard Evidence MH2
Haunted Plate Mail M14
Heartwood Storyteller FUT
Helldozer RAV
Hellkite Overlord ALA
Helvault DKA
Herald’s Horn C17
Hermit Druid STH
Hokori, Dust Drinker BOK
Honden of Infinite Rage EMA
Howling Mine M10
Ib Halfheart, Goblin Tactician TSP
Invisibility M15
Invisible Stalker ISD
Jet Medallion TMP
Joraga Treespeaker ROE
Jump M10
Juniper Order Ranger CSP
Juntu Stakes INV
Karador, Ghost Chieftain CMD
Karametra, God of Harvests BNG
Karoo C14
Kaya, Ghost Haunter MB1
Kindred Discovery C17
Knowledge Pool MBS
Korvold, Fae-Cursed King ELD
Late to Dinner MH2
Lesser Gargadon PCY
Lich Lord of Unx ARB
Light of Day TMP
Lightning Axe TSP
Lightning Bolt A25
Llawan, Cephalid Empress TOR
Loyal Apprentice C18
Lunar Avenger 5DN
Magus of the Moon FUT
Malignus AVR
Master of Cruelties DGM
Mercurial Chemister RTR
Mindmoil RAV
Mindslicer ODY
Mirrorpool OGW
Mistmeadow Witch SHM
Mizzix of the Izmagnus C15
Moldervine Reclamation M20
Mongrel Pack TMP
Moonhold EVE
Moonlace TSP
Morophon, the Boundless MH1
Murkfiend Liege EVE
Nephalia Academy EMN
Night // Day APC
Niv-Mizzet Reborn WAR
Noxious Ghoul LGN
Noxious Revival NPH
Nuisance Engine HOP
Nut Collector ODY
Obsessive Stitcher M21
Odric, Master Tactician M13
Olivia, Mobilized for War  
Orcish Lumberjack DDL
Orzhova, the Church of Deals GPT
Painful Lesson BBD
Panglacial Wurm CSP
Patron of the Moon BOK
Perpetual Timepiece KLD
Petrified Field ODY
Phenax, God of Deception BNG
Pillage A25
Polymorph M10
Primeval Bounty M14
Puresteel Angel MB1
Pursuit of Knowledge STH
Quest for the Holy Relic ZEN
Raven Familiar C13
Reduce to Memory STX
Relearn WTH
Release the Dogs M21 (JMP)
Rend Flesh CHK
Resurrection UMA
Riptide Director LGN
Rishadan Brigand MMQ
Runed Stalactite LRW
Sacred Rites ODY
Sapphire Medallion TMP
Scroll of the Masters FRF
Scrying Sheets CSP
Second Sunrise MRD
Sedris, the Traitor King ALA
Seething Song DDG
Selesnya Keyrune RTR
Serene Sunset JUD
Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep CHK
Shivan Gorge USG
Shivan Harvest INV
Sign in Blood  
Signpost Scarecrow ELD
Silence TSR
Silumgar Sorcerer DTK
Skullbriar, the Walking Grave CMD
Skymarcher Aspirant RIX
Sleep C15
Sleeping Potion PLS
Snapcaster Mage ISD
Sneak Attack USG
Song of Freyalise DAR
Sorcerer’s Wand DAR
Sorin Markov M12
Sorin’s Vengeance M12
Soulcatchers’ Aerie JUD
Spell Swindle XLN
Spellbook 10E
Spellbound Dragon ARB
Staff of Domination 5DN
Starnheim Aspirant KHM
Stasis Snare PBFZ
Stigma Lasher EVE
Stitcher’s Supplier M19
Stone Giant DDI
Stonehewer Giant 2XM
Stonybrook Schoolmaster MOR
Storm Entity FUT
Strangleroot Geist DCI
Strength of Night APC
Student of Warfare ROE
Sun Titan E01
Teferi, Hero of Dominaria DAR
Thieves’ Auction MMQ
Time of Ice DAR
Tireless Tracker SOI
Toils of Night and Day BOK
Trade Routes MMQ
Training Drone MBS
Treacherous Werewolf JUD
Treasure Trove EXO
Twinblade Paladin M20
Umbral Mantle SHM
Unbound Flourishing MH1
Undead Slayer M10
Unexpected Results GTC
Unholy Grotto ONS
Unwinding Clock NPH
Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth UMA
Vampiric Feast POR
Vedalken Orrery 5DN
Veil of Summer M20
Vela the Night-Clad PC2
Venerated Teacher ROE
Vernal Equinox MMQ
Vow of Lightning CMR
Walking Archive DIS
Wall of Blood MRD
Warriors’ Lesson THS
Wheel of Sun and Moon SHM
Will-o’-the-Wisp A25
Windborn Muse CMD
Witch Hunt C13
Witch-Maw Nephilim GPT
Witches’ Eye THS
Witchstalker M14
Witch’s Oven ELD
Wolfir Silverheart AVR
Wooden Stake ISD
Yisan, the Wanderer Bard M15
Yore-Tiller Nephilim GPT
Young Pyromancer M14

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