Comics Reviews

Universe Introduces a Surprising New Morphin Team


The most powerful team of ancient heroes has finally stepped into the Power Rangers Universe, and they are nothing like what fans were expecting.

WARNING: The following contains major spoilers for Power Rangers: Universe #1, available now from Boom! Studios.

For almost thirty years the Power Rangers franchise has enthralled fans with its colorful cast of heroes and menacing monsters. Over the years there have been dozens of teams of Rangers locked in battle against the forces of evil, although that wasn’t always the case. As readers have just discovered in the pages of Power Rangers: Universe, the realm these iconic figures inhabit used to be even more fantastical than the one they know now, and the long awaited introduction of the Morphin Masters has showcased just how amazing it truly was.

Power Rangers: Universe #1 by Nicole Andelfinger, Simone Ragazzoni, Mattia Iacono, and Ed Dukeshire has brought readers all the way back to the ancient past. Thousands of years before our present on the world known only as Planet 0117, the young scientist Orisonth is tirelessly toiling away in the hopes of opening a doorway into the unknown. Or rather, a doorway into the Morphin Grid itself and whatever secrets it holds. Unfortunately, Ori’s experiments prove fruitless at the same time that various locations across the planet are falling to some mysterious attacking force. As dire as the situation might seem, Ori isn’t alone in her search for answers, and the rest of the Morphin Masters are just as impressive as fans imagined.

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Of all the incredible figures in the Power Rangers franchise, the Morphin Masters are easily the most awe-inspiring, not to mention mysterious. Known as the first to peer into the depths of the Morphin Grid and study its energies, the Morphin Masters have been revered as near deities for a long as they have been around. First glimpsed in the very first season of the original television series during the episode “Big Sisters,” these ancient beings were responsible for the creation of some of the most important parts of the franchise. Apart from creating the Ninja Nexus Prism and Dino Gems which would empower the Ninja Steel and Dino Fury Power Rangers of the small screen respectively, these beings have also played a major role in the world of the comics through the Emissaries Three that have long represented them. Now, however, readers have been introduced to the Masters themselves, though not the versions of them anyone was expecting.

Ori, the Blue Morphin Master, is joined by Rhian, Phiro, Telosi, and Aleia, the Red, Gold, Green, and Black Morphin Masters. As Masterforges go out across their world, this team reconvenes back at the lab where Ori was previously working to reach the Grid. Despite each member of the budding young team offering their own power to give the experiment another go, their work is interrupted by the revelation of just what the monstrous force plaguing their world is. Upon seeing the threat for themselves, the team finds themselves at odds over whether the evacuation effort has worked as intended or left innocent lives behind.

Thankfully, their arguments over the situation at hand don’t keep them at odds for very long. Telosi might have strong feelings about how the evacuation has been handled, but it is clear that all of these young heroes are prepared to do whatever it takes to defend their world. When Ori and the others decide to stay behind during the evacuation to offer their help to another Morphin Master in need, she makes it perfectly clear to her own family that helping those in need is far more important than their own survival. As dangerous as it is, the precedent set by doing so lends itself to everything that the Power Rangers have ever stood for.

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Seeing what will eventually be the most important figures in the Power Rangers’ universe in their youth is shocking enough, but realizing that this is just the beginning of their story opens up a plethora of surprising avenues for them to take on the way towards the future fans know best.

There is obviously the question of whether or not these five heroes are indeed the Morphin Masters of legend, although it would be difficult to not see that development coming. They might not be prepared for the battle they are currently facing, but there is no doubt that they will adapt to it as quickly as the heroes of the present have to nearly every threat that has come their way.

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