
Ubisoft appoints new CCO amidst ongoing reckonings with workplace abuse


Ubisoft is facing an ongoing reckoning about its treatment of employees, which began last year when allegations of workplace abuse led to the departure of several senior executives. Since then an internal survey revealed 25% of its staff had ‘experienced or witnessed’ workplace misconduct and, while Ubisoft said it was serious about addressing the issues, some weren’t buying it. The accusations continue to pile high, including the recent news that Ubisoft Singapore is under investigation for allegations of workplace harassment, including sexual harassment.

Everything about Ubisoft’s corporate leadership is thus seen in this context, as well as in relation to various commitments Ubisoft has made in response to the situation. The company has announced that Igor Manceau, a creative director who’s been there for over two decades, is being appointed as its new chief creative officer, a role which reports directly to CEO and co-founder Yves Guillemot and also holds a place on Ubisoft’s Executive Committee. Ubisoft’s previous chief creative officer, Serge Hascoët, was one of those who left last July.


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