Back in 2019, Teen Titans GO! aired a special “Beast Boy’s That’s What’s Up” miniseries that saw everyone’s favorite party animal Teen Titan his Doom Patrol family. Last month during DC FanDome, fans got their first look at a new Doom Patrol Thanksgiving half-hour special coming to Cartoon Network.
Presumably the actors from the previous Doom Patrol episodes will be reprising their roles including Flula Borg as Robotman, Rachel Dratch as Negative Girl, Cree Summer as Elasti-Girl, and Larry Kenney as The Chief. Borg of course is no stranger to DC Comics as fans of The Suicide Squad will remember him in his short but memorable performance as Javelin.
Today Warner Bros. announced that Cartoon Network will be dishing out a full serving of Teen Titans Go! episodes ahead of the holiday ahead of the special with a a week-long feast of Teen Titans Go! character-themed marathons Monday, Nov. 15 through Friday, Nov. 19 (2:00-9:00 p.m. ET/PT).
Check out a clip from the special as well as the full Teen Titans Go! programming schedule below.
Teen Titans Go! Marathons
Beginning Monday, Nov.15 (2:00-9:00 p.m. ET/PT):
- Monday, Nov. 15—Beast Boy Fan-favorites
- Tuesday, Nov. 16—Starfire Fan-favorites
- Wednesday, Nov. 17—Raven Fan-favorites
- Thursday, Nov. 18—Robin Fan-favorites
- Friday, Nov. 19—Teen Titans Go! specials
Teen Titans GO! “A Doom Patrol Thanksgiving” premieres Friday, Nov. 19 at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT on Cartoon Network