Tu-Dum!: Netflix Just Abruptly Fired Its Marketing & Editorial Staff
Netflix has abruptly sacked a massive number of employees, just a week after discouraging subscriber growth data was released. All of the employees were working in the Tudum platform, which is a website with written content that promotes Netflix shows.
The sound Netflix produces as it starts up is known as ‘Tudum’. According to a Bloomberg source, Netflix isn’t getting rid of Tudum entirely, but the layoffs are part of a larger restructuring of the company’s marketing department.
Intriguing Netflix editorial strategy to hire some of the best entertainment/culture minds in the biz, very specifically court a ton of non-white women with the offer of a truly life-changing amount of money, only to shitcan everyone mere months later… god damn
— Katie Way (@k80way) April 28, 2022
Oh yeah I guess I should say that I’m cool and capable and looking for some work now. You need a writer (editorial and tv), editor, jokes, what have you? please reach out rent is due. byalexzaragoza@gmail.com.
— Alex Zaragoza (@byalexzaragoza) April 28, 2022
i have unfortunately also been ✨laid off✨ by netflix and am looking for writer/editor gigs: saradanielle@gmail.com ❤️ i’m a very nice girl who’s chill and fun to work with!! https://t.co/xdMXHngbqn
— sara david (@SaraQDavid) April 28, 2022
Just got laid off from Netflix/Tudum, effective today. Email me with opportunities at reinasultan@gmail.com so I can pay my rent and help my parents survive!
A bunch of my incredible colleagues got laid off, too. You’d be incredibly lucky to work with any of them.
— Reina Sultan (she/her) (@SultanReina) April 28, 2022
Netflix recruited me seven months ago only to lay me and a bunch of other talented people off today. I’m going to take time off to just exist, so please get in touch if you’ll have editing and content strategy opportunities open after August. EvetteDionneWriter@gmail.com
— Evette Dionne (@freeblackgirl) April 28, 2022
Bozoma Saint John, the company’s chief marketing officer, resigned last month.
Netflix’s stock was trading at roughly $600 per share when it engaged the Tudum team in September 2021, as some Twitter users pointed out. It fell below $200 this week.
All of this bad news comes only a week after Netflix disclosed that it has lost subscribers for the first time in a decade. Netflix lost 200,000 customers in the first quarter of this year. The stock plummeted 35% on Wednesday, its worst day since 2004, slashing $40 billion off its market cap. And this came after the streaming company said it lost subscribers for the first time in more than 10 years, and that it expects to lose as many as 2 million more in the current quarter. Despite investing $17 billion on original programming last year. During the pandemic’s lockdowns, numbers were at an all-time high, with user numbers reaching giddy heights of 222 million.
Since last week’s crushing financial losses, Netflix has declared a crackdown on password sharing, which is thought to occur in over 100 million households. That ain’t gonna fix what ails Netflix though.