Tsuburaya Productions began streaming Kaiju Decode, its CG anime collaboration with Toei Animation, on Monday. The full anime short is available on the Tsuburaya Imagination website. Tsuburaya Productions is also streaming a new trailer for the anime.
The companies also released a VR anime short titled Kaiju Decode: First Contact on Monday for Oculus Quest. Both anime are listed as the “first part” of the overall project.
S/N directed the anime at Arect. Tetsuya Yamada wrote the script, and Tadahiko Inoue composed the music. The anime stars Nobunaga Shimazaki as Rei, Marika Kōno as Miru, Mayumi Shintani as Zora, and Aya Yamane as Real Rei.
The producers for the project include Kouichi Noguchi and Masahiro Onda. Noguchi is the producer of such anime as Expelled from Paradise and KADO – The Right Answer, while Onda is a veteran Tsuburaya Productions producer for such projects as Ultraman Zero: The Revenge of Belial, as well as an executive producer on the SSSS.Gridman anime series. Hollywood CG art director Sei Nakashima (Mewtwo Strikes Back Evolution end credits illustrations, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone concept artist) is the character designer.
Source: Comic Natalie