Toei Animation revealed on Wednesday the new anime film for the Tropical-Rouge! Precure anime. Eiga Tropical-Rouge! Precure: Yuki no Princess to Kiseki no Yubiwa! (Tropical-Rouge! Precure the Movie: The Snow Princess and the Miraculous Ring) will open in Japan on October 23. The film will cross over Tropical-Rouge! Precure and the earlier Heartcatch Precure! series.
The film takes place in the wintry land of Shantia, with Manatsu and the others invitied to the land by its princess Sharon. But as they arrive, a mysterious monster attacks Shantia, and it is closed off to outsiders.
Marika Matsumoto will play Sharon in the film.
Junji Shimizu (Futari wa Pretty Cure Max Heart) is directing the film, and Yoshimi Narita (Yes! Precure 5) is penning the script. Shiho Terada returns from Tropical-Rouge! Precure to compose the music. Ken Ueno (Heartcatch Precure! Hana no Miyako de Fashion Show…Desu ka!?) is the character designer and chief animation director. Takashi Kurahashi is the art director, and Naomi Kiyota is the color designer. Yusuke Osone is the CGI director. Kenji Takahashi is the director of photography. Masahiro Murakami is credited as production manager. The film’s theme song is titled “Shantia ~Shiawase no Kuni~” (Shantia ~Land of Happiness~).
Tropical-Rouge! Precure premiered in Japan on February 28. Crunchyroll is streaming the anime as it airs.
The anime has a theme of “the sea” and “makeup.” The show will feature a transformation item shaped as a cosmetics compact. The anime’s tagline is “Transform with makeup! Invincible motivation!” The anime centers on Manatsu, who moves from her small island birthplace to a city and starts middle school. On the day she moves she meets a mermaid girl named Laura who is looking for the “legendary warriors” the Precures. Laura’s hometown, the mermaid country of Grand Ocean, has been attacked by the “procrastination witch,” who has stolen the country’s “motivation power.”
The show stars:
Sources: Eiga Tropical-Rouge! Precure: Yuki no Princess to Kiseki no Yubiwa! anime film’s website, Comic Natalie