Maybe you haven’t heard, but the world is going through this little thing called a global pandemic. Following March 2020 — the month where the COVID-19 virus took hold enough to be taken seriously, and many countries went straight into lockdown — we’ve been stuck inside for two years, and our world has changed.
But it turns out that maybe we could have avoided all of this if we’d taken Unforeseen Incidents seriously!
Unforeseen Incidents, a game that came out on PC in 2018, is a point-and-click mystery game set in a small town, where an unknown disease has taken hold of the residents. By pointing, and sometimes clicking, you can unravel the events that led to this epidemic, and perhaps even prevent it from spreading.
You play as a reclusive artist named Harper Pendrell, who is voiced with style by Alasdair Beckett-King — a comedian you might recognise from his skits on TikTok and YouTube:
Unforeseen Incidents is out now on the Switch eShop for $19.99 / 19.99 Euro / £17.99.