Manga centers on young yakuza leader tasked with caring for yakuza boss’ only daughter
Micro Magazine‘s Comic Elmo online manga service revealed on Wednesday that Tsukiya’s The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting (Kumichō Musume to Seiwagakari) manga is getting a television anime adaptation.
Tsukiya launched the manga in June 2018 on the Comic Ride pixiv site, and the series later moved to Comic Elmo. Micro Magazine published the fifth volume on December 10, and will publish the sixth volume on Friday. The manga has more than 500,000 copies in circulation.
Kaiten Books has licensed the manga, and it describes the story:
Kirishima Tooru is as vicious a yakuza as they come, to the point where he’s earned the nickname “the Demon of Sakuragi.” To get him under control, he’s suddenly given a new mission straight from the boss—to babysit his daughter!
Kaiten Books began releasing the manga in English on February 12, and released the second book volume digitally on July 23.
Update: Added in manga’s English title and release information.
Sources: Micro Magazine, Comic Natalie